
Also, he’s like 27 in high school.

I was half expecting “the CG hair in Ronja just freaked me the fuck out, so I really had no choice”.

I definitely enjoyed your list, I just like diving into the deep end when comics come up! :) It always makes me sad when people say there aren’t any black superheroes, because not that there aren’t always room for more, but there’s a ton of genuinely great characters that just don’t get the attention A-list names get.

Waller is faaar too complicated to just be labeled “evil” (or “good”!). :) I’m glad she’s had appearances across multiple media (including being played by Pam Grier!), because she’s one of the most interesting powerplayers in the DCU.

I’ve never actually read Lobo, though I’ve some experience with other Dell Comics titles. I should check it out, if nothing else for historical importance.

Bishop was cool as fuck. I was more of an X-Factor guy in the 90's (Peter David is my jam), but Bishop was an essential part of the golden age of the X-titles ruling comics.

True (though I haven’t been keeping up, but I believe that’s correct), but Al Simmons is the Eddie Brock of Spawn - the main guy most people think of.

Starred here, upvoted there.

If she had just said “black”, then I’m sure it would’ve still rubbed some people the wrong way, but it wouldn’t QUITE miss the mark as absurdly fundamentally as this did. But to then follow it up with a fucking “whoopsie, tee many martoonis lol” is some Grade A bullshit and shows precisely where her concern for people

I remember the good ol’ days when some of us were kinda skeptical about DLC and paying to unlock content already on the game disc, and people just went “nooooo, it’s fiiiiiine”.

Shit, taking racial liberties aside, who proclaims that they’re invited to someone else’s event?

Okay, let’s ACTUALLY talk black superheroes instead of blurbs about the most obvious ones.

Germany actually learns from history. What a fucking concept.

#IWill untie any fair damsel in distress from the traintracks and punch the dastardly bad guy right in the nose!

Except the hashtag is explicitly about women. I’ve experienced sexual assault multiple times, and I felt excluded and made to feel unimportant and chose not to participate. Perhaps you’re not familiar with the stigma male victims also face and how much harder it is to find understanding, help and support.

I’m confused, where are the ironic quips and completely unnecessary comedy that removes any tension and excitement, so I can feel that I’m secretly too cool for superhero movies?

Check out the Christopher Priest run. It’s good AF. In fact, all of Christopher Priest’s stuff is worth reading in general.

Everyone shocked that someone working for Trump is a shitbag, raise your hand.

“It was worth waiting for Gadot.”
