Polo has this exact sameness problem. Everyone’s should get a horse for free.
Polo has this exact sameness problem. Everyone’s should get a horse for free.
As someone with issues, I understand the frustration. But I also understand that depression varies by severity from person to person and there can be several different factors at play.
Yeah, I also got the impression that the point was that having a healthier diet in addition to attending therapy and/or taking medication could help people with depression feel better.
I feel like this past winter was noticeably worse in terms of season affective disorder. But then I keep reminding myself to look forward to the spring and summer months when it’s warm enough to get on my bike and hit the trails. I’ve found it incredibly therapeutic, maybe it’s just the endorphin rush after each ride.…
I don’t think the article or study says or implies it’s a cure. It said it helped. The foods we eat cause chemical reactions and nourish our systems. Some things benefit our systems and some things work against them. Nothing is ever going to be a sure fire 100% perfect solution for everyone, but if someone is…
He’s displaying his wokeness so people will give him kudos.
Dude, sit down and shhhhhh... As “exhausted” as you are, we’re more.
The basic price of entry, for everyone, is a ‘problem’ to you? Newsflash; we all have buy the console and games at their standard price (barring some lucky deal). What are you even advocating for? Free gaming gear? Socialized gaming benefits? Lol no, that’s not how it works. Merely having to buy gaming products is not…
I was going to explain all this to you, but I’m frankly not in a place where I can afford the emotional labor. Women are tired of loud, performative feminist men. We are especially tired of them manspreading into one of our few remaining spaces. Your immediate jump to defensiveness tells me everything I need to know…
Great. Why are you telling us? You’re preaching to the choir here.
I was with you until you revealed you were a man. We already know everything you said, why not go tell some men in a man’s space? You want a pat on the back for being “exhausted by the conversation,” or something?
I hear what you’re saying. But we’ve been exhausted by this for years - we women just want to exist and flourish and live our lives. You want to move forward? Awesome! We do too! So I hope you’re doing your part to help bring us forward, and not just by commenting on a blog. Call out your fellow man when you see this…
You’re very gracious to suggest that not everyone in kids tv is a child molester. What percentage do you reckon? Jesus.
OH PUHLEEZE. Who do you think is going to make children’s television and movies? THE KIDS? There are LITERALLY THOUSANDS of people who are behind making these shows, and movies and products and to suddenly cast aspersions on ALL of them shows that you sound like the republicans who screech and yell about being anti…
I’m a Power Rangers fan. There are a few people who spent most of their adult lives, most of their careers around the show. While Saban (the show’s steward for all but around 10 years of its existence) is widely known to be a terrible employer, it’s not for reasons of such mischief. Some people simply have a knack for…
I’m trying not to pile on, but I had to say something :P
I have a lot of respect for you Kate, but duh? My mother taught me this when I was just a little vwtifuljoe. I’m pretty sure Thomas puts it on the packaging.
How do you mistake an iphone for a gun? That’s not quite the right question, but it’s easy: