Aww man I love reading "Can This Marriage Be Saved?" when I go visit my 92 year old Nannie!
Isn't the simple answer here to just not go to every wedding you're invited to? I've been invited to destination weddings/showers/parties and it is always really easy: Sorry "X" - I'd love to celebrate with you but I/we just can't afford to do that right now. I hope you have an amazing day - I can't wait to see…
I have a few observations of Barbara Winfrey - she was an assistant principal at my high school.
And I feel that this type of comment amounts to silencing, pure and simple. This woman was likely suffering from a severe and possibly undiagnosed (or miss-diagnosed or under-diagnosed) mental illness and that's a very real, horrible issue that women all over the world deal with every day. Yes, I realize there is a…
I had a sex dream a while back with Paul Rudd. I don't want your filthy money! I did it for free in my sleep!
Off to therapy I go!
I disagree completely. There is nothing identifiable about the child in this picture and I wouldn't put it here if there was, trust me. But showing this photo adds a very powerful visual element to this story that hammers home the severity of the situation that words just would not be able to do. I say that as someone…
GUYS! You can make fresh butter if you have a food processor or blender and some heavy cream. You just pour cream in, turn the processor on, and it's butter about 30 seconds later. It spoils pretty quickly, though, so be ready to eat BUTTER! Best part: you can add flavors to it by just throwing some other things in,…
"Everything in moderation"
GRAMMAR ALERT - totally off topic, so turn your head if you're squeamish.
Why do people (usually bad writers) write "off of"? It is grammatically incorrect and unnecessary. The headline writer clearly and correctly wrote, "New bride who pushed husband off cliff . . ." yet the article writer feels compelled to…
damnit, beat me to it
Christ. Her face just looks completely immobile.
This acerola cherry and jerusalem artichoke smoothie is going down with a heavy heart.
I subsisted on little debbie cosmic brownies in high school. I'm actually pretty certain they were the only things I did eat in high school.
Another commented that her daughters took dance classes with TCS students and found the parents of fellow students – some of whom teach at TCS – "were the nastiest things I have ever met."
I will forever love Oprah for saying "maybe there's not that much going on." Everyone acts like Lindsay Lohan is this AMAZING artist who needs to be saved so she can go on to create more amazing art, and I have never seen it. I feel bad for LiLo because her parents fucking suck and she's in the public spot light and…