Gas explodes slower.
Gas explodes slower.
Hanna Zellers, she’s a driving instructor/racer. Talked to her on a flight to COTA once, she was really cool.
I bet you feel like a FAKKING VANKER after being wrong about the series.
Yeah, but chicks dig cruisers
Then go and design, build, and sell a manual swap kit for the car and see how much money they left on the table.
So how do I go about buying a used Ticonderoga? Also who wants to go in on one together?
People who haven’t sat in the car make the best arguments about how the good or bad the ergonomics of the car are.
The previous-gen Panamera would like a word with you regarding center console buttons.
It must be nice when the biggest problem in your life is where the engine is in a car.
I feel like a thief some days, I somehow have a salary and good health insurance to draw stuff all day. My job shouldn’t be real.
I stole it to help pay off my art school loans
Also, how did we dupe the Russians who were tracking the launch and communications during the mission? Are you saying that we actually went through building rockets capable or going to the Moon and then launched them without putting anyone in them? Are you claiming that we sent an unmanned rocket with pre-recorded…
That’s a whole lot of mental gymnastics to try and discount what is arguably the greatest achievement in human history. I’ve studied the Apollo program and global space exploration at length and you’ve bought into a baseless conspiracy supported by flat Earthers, hollow Earthers, and 9/11 truthers seemingly based off…
So what would it take you to believe that we actually landed on the moon? Would it be the fact that we can shoot lasers off of mirrors left by the astronauts on the lunar surface? Would it be the fact that hundreds of thousands of people worked together to produce the technology and craft to do the job? How about the…
LOL. Simply because you can’t understand something doesn’t mean it’s fake.
They said one of the reasons we stopped is that the public thought that the moon had become “too routine”. If we can’t do the same thing 50 years later, I can’t even comprehend the brain power it took to do it time and time again with that time’s tech. The moon is easily the coolest thing we’ve ever done as a county,…
Them’s fightin’ words.
Fans are angry that a race was won by the driver leading at the end of the race
Torch, you’re the teacher that gives out “fun quizzes” that are more stressful than the finals.