
David, I drive by your house relatively often (less so recently, obviously) and I’m offering my services to remove any of your “projects” that you think might not be getting the attention they deserve. I’ll even do it at night, when you’re asleep, so you don’t have to suffer the pain of watching it leave.

These runs are dangerous and illegal but we’re going to continue giving the people that do them the attention they crave.

And that’s why most people suck. That looks amazing.

The good news is that nearly every car company is already moving to electrify and customers want more fuel economy so it’s doubtful that this will affect the auto industry’s direction that much.

It’s much better than seeing nothing at all because you don’t have a ventilator.

That would be a terrible decision. It’s meant to be a daily derivable car that can perform with purpose-built cars. Having a trunk that works for groceries or weekend trips is crucial for that.

I’m a French coupe with a front-mid mounted V8 driving the rear wheels named after a French Palace that’s fast but rusts horribly. So a Renault Corvette? Versilles, KY is only 2 hours from Bowling Green where the Corvette is built and would be a great palace name. Not sure how to make it rust, though.

Proportion is the most important thing in car design, and it’s unfortunately where most people’s opinions on what looks like what end. Yes, a mid-engine car is going to resemble another mid-engine car in the same way that one person’s silhouette will resemble another’s, but we don’t recognize individuals by a

So he put a C8 front on a GT350 and calls it a “design”? It looks ok at best and definitely isn’t better than the C8 we have.

I mean, it’s going to be an only car for a lot of people. The decision to give it an actual trunk seems like a good idea to me.

Surely this BIGM8 is an absolute steal for price per square foot in places like New York and San Francisco. This should be the hot new apartment for the style-conscious rel estate investor.

My Bb horn went in the passenger seat, the C horn went in the back seat and the sousa luckily fit in the trunk.

True story, during High School I would often transport 2 Tubas and a Sousaphone in my ‘99 Camry. Notice how I use Tubas for car capacity, and not girls, because no one wanted to date the guy with 2 tubas and a sousaphone in his car. Especially not the one that would correct you for calling a sousaphone a tuba.

That’s fair, I just think they’re trying to make the field “more” equal without being a straight up spec series. Hopefully there will be more driver influence in the equation of what makes a winning team and car, because pretty much any decent driver would be winning in a Mercedes, while every driver would’ve been in

I don’t see how the new regulations are restricting innovation any more than the FIA and F1 have done in the past.

No one wants a spec series, they want a more level field when it comes to spending, and hopefully racing. There’s still tons of room in there for technical innovation, teams will just have to be smarter about how they focus their efforts.

I completely agree, and the FIA’s tendency to immediately outlaw any cool innovation is annoying, but at the same time spending more money isn’t an interesting “engineering solution” to most fans. What you can do within a budget is far better for a lot of people.

People want closer racing, not Mercedes and Ferrari running away by spending 4-5x more on their car with a 10x bigger staff of engineering talent than the smaller teams. It’s not that people don’t want to see innovation or smart people doing amazing things with air, it’s that they don’t want budget to rule over driver

You absolutely should pick on Mike for this. Just because it’s common doesn’t mean that it’s right. He picked the title, he knew exactly what he was doing and excusing it only encourages more of the same.

So you hate Capitalism because people are giving their own money to charity instead of the government taking it and losing about 90% of it before it actually gets anywhere useful?