But Dr.! You became who you are because you poked your head into the 8th dimension!
But Dr.! You became who you are because you poked your head into the 8th dimension!
Guys, guys, guys
I kept thinking: "Well at least she believes in evolution... what?"
Actually, you're probably not endangering anyone. As long as 70-80% of a population is protected, the prevalence of a disease is pretty low.
Wow, that is pretty cool, I kinda wish my sex-ed included this.
That's a pretty powerful ad. Thanks for sharing.
Lol at the implied recreational abortion. "My child was completely wanted until I saw the billboard... Now just have to have an abortion!" I find it very funny that pro-lifers think that pro-choice means pro-aborting-every-godamn-fetus-out-of-existence.
Doug Barry has a sense of humor. #sorryfeminists
I too was very much reminded :)
Thank you for writing this. You definitely nailed the whole situation. I was pretty disappointed with Dawkins and his reaction. I think he played a big part in what response she got from the community.
This is what drives me crazy about this country, the suing. I feel like people are just out there to jump at any chance. Blargh It happens so much it's become a state of mind.
I think JK Rowling said something about that. She said she had just written her 6th book and had her third child and someone she hadn't seen in a long time first commented on how thin she looked.
She reminds me of Willow from Buffy.
"mojadita" as opposed to "mojada" is what sold this to me.
Clap clap clap clap clap
Well, you don't have to believe in someone if you them personally! And, of course, when you get your degree in science, you get an invite to Satan's annual party where you get to know the guy.
To spread Satan's lies. Nothing more satisfying than spreading Satan's lies.
I'm glad I'm not the only one who thought The homos line was funny.
! Excellent idea. Leap years, here come the babies!
I think I'm gonna start adding the tag "stick it to the man" tag. Care to share said tumblr?