Damn, I was so tired yesterday, I wanted to say it didn't pass if applied to men. :P
Damn, I was so tired yesterday, I wanted to say it didn't pass if applied to men. :P
Yep. But hey, you'll have donut parties.
I think it doesn't pass the test if applied to women. But yes, the Bechdel test is just symptomatic testing. (Did I say that right?)
I am already having a shitty day (which I shouldn't be having 'cause I just got a job in my field) and this just makes me think one thing: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH
Well. That was interesting.
See, this is what I don't get. If I believed in God, I would find this at least mildly offensive.
Thanks for the link :)
I don't know, I just wanna hope sometimes that we're slowly becoming better as a species... Hopefully it won't be too late.
Damn, this is exactly what I felt when I read this... It's not just animals, there's death everywhere. America is sustained on war and labor that has people killing themselves, but we don't give a shit. People get high on drugs exported from violence (I would love to legalize pot, make it less violent and profitable)…
Agreed, her proposal was tons romantic. It varies, some people might like it public, others private. If you are fortunate enough, your SO will know and propose accordingly.
Growing up in Mexico I've found that if you're wearing a sombrero in Mexico, it's OK, mostly for sept. 16th stuff, but people do dislike other countries representing Mexicans donning a sombrero, poncho and riding a burro.
Thanks for the book recommendation. Will be adding to my to-read list. I had heard about the motorcycles and the gendered stuff. I love reading stuff about T. Gondii.
This sorta reminds of a great Argentinian movie caled "El secreto en sus ojos" (the secret in "their/his/her eyes" yeah I know, lost in translation).
Dammit, that Twin Peaks shoe thing he has in his Lynched board is really cool. Wanna repin it, but not form him...
I haven't read much of Superman, but I know he's into WW right now, right? Where's Lane off to right now?
Or Barney Stinson on How I Met Your Mother.
I miss Ledger :C
I'll just leave this here...
Not a Christian, or religious, but what you wrote is what I think when I think of Science vs. Religion. If I believed, I wouldn't take the bible seriously. I mean, c'mon, that was written by people, and as we all know, people suck and do/write things that are fantastical or serve their own purposes. I think most of my…
I started reading it and got lost too, so I stopped. I picked it up again a few years later and am in love with it. Haven't read all of it though, just the first two.