
Fuck that, if I were the guy I'd sew state.

What aspect of TB do you work with? I'm a biochem undergrad and I still haven't decided into what area of research I wanna go in, so I try to get as much people to tell me their experiences as I can.

There's crazies in any religion. If you feel that the core tenements of the religion are what you believe and want to teach your children that, then that's probably the way to go.

The whole rape as a reproductive strategy really pisses my off. It's like, fuck you and your poor understanding of biology as an excuse to rape.

Oh the irony!

They're working on it. I think it's easier to regulate female hormones cause of the cycle, but I've read that there's been research and advances for a male pill.

Personally, I've liked the pill. I've tried several brands. Unfortunately, one that I really liked doesn't exist in the US. Hormones are tricky mistresses. One woman can be great, another can get all kinds of issues. I hope you find something that suits you :)

Nope, it's all good

There's been research suggesting that floral bacteria in the vagina are good for the immune system of the baby. That's pretty much what I know, but I like bacteria. Yay Bacteria!

Was she wearing lingerie and asked you for "extra sausage"?

I wear leggings 'cause they empower me dude. You are NEVER going to get any of this, so keep on thinking what you want dude, while I dress however I want and get ahead in life because I'm not a pathetic little uncontrollable animal/douchebag.

I'd say yea whatevs, then never go one a date with him. If he gets all stalky, I'd report him to the police. I haven't seen the movie, but I know the scene. She's out with her bf, or another date right? I seriously hate guys who hit on girls who are obviously involved with someone... Or women who hit on involved men

Guys, you are the best, srsly!

The fact that "cocksucker" is an insult is very telling...

Maybe I'll dive into the world of writing with a Twilight fanfic. Then, I'll shamefully try to forget my beginnings as I work on real books.

And women menstruating!? We just become baby killers once we hit puberty. It's our nature.


No no, it must be a woman serving a cake, because that's what women do! Also, frail ladies don't have the physical strength to flip over a table, and a true lady wouldn't find herself enraged, just slightly upset and confused, but with the knowledge that her strong husband will come and take her fears away.

Yes, because dating people outside of your college isn't an option.