Bipolar disorder & schizophrenia are more psychiatric than psychological disorders. A psychologist can't provide the meds needed to manage these disorders. You're not going to therapize your way out of a manic episode, for instance.
Bipolar disorder & schizophrenia are more psychiatric than psychological disorders. A psychologist can't provide the meds needed to manage these disorders. You're not going to therapize your way out of a manic episode, for instance.
A diagnosis of bipolar disorder & schizophrenia isn't really a thing. If someone has psychotic symptoms outside of mood episodes, the appropriate diagnosis is schizoaffective disorder.
I think that's a great plan. It sounds like a great trip, and gives you something to look forward to through the worst of the winter.
IDK if this is at all helpful, but when I'm trying to get my diet back on track, I'll do 10 days of raw food, then focus on staying away from processed stuff, rather than obsessing over calories. I'm a vegetarian, though, and I hate to cook, so my diet usually involves a lot of raw fruit & veg anyway.
18+ would be great. But really, I'd take 12+ or even, like, 5+. Little kids on planes are just fine, in general.
It seems like utter bullshit that I should spend any amount of money on something for which I'd have no other use, need, or desire, to accomodate other people's choices. Maybe the baby bringers should be responsible for providing such accomodations for their fellow passengers. Or airlines should offer some flights…
A lot of those things just aren't within his power, unfortunately.
I've been all for Anonymous till now. But this is just completely disgusting. And makes no sense in the context of their previous actions, at least as far as I know.
You really don't have to be unusually sensitive to noise to find a screaming baby intolerable. It's a very specifically awful noise.
This. So fucking this. Don't bring your screaming baby on the plane in the first place. Those of us who don't have them, and quite possibly do not like them, should not be forced to tolerate them.
I recently went with the vibrator upgrade, and I have to say, it's definity helped.
She is gorgeous! And very funny :).
Well, I'd actually think that an 11 year old would be way more likely not to have an ethical problem with stealing. I mean, things like impulse control &, "moral," understanding happen in the prefrontal cortex, which doesn't fully develop until early adulthood.
I don't see how that's so clearly a steaming crock of shit, especially given that one doesn't really expect an 11 year old to have that kind of cash, or the self-possession I'm picturing her having. Sufficient confidence can get you pretty far, after all.
Maybe there've been celebrities of color on the cover, but no models?
I don't think it's anyone's place but Beyonce's to decide whether or not she's a feminist. She couldn't possibly have been clearer about identifying as a feminist. The end.
Interspecies love! So my favorite.
IDK, I've been pretty happy with the Tindr approach, where only guys I've liked can contact me. OkCupid seems to have gotten much worse lately, btw. Down to the dregs.
Who are these people going shopping on Black Friday anyway? Nobody I know wants anything to do with it.
I love Mae Whitman too much to believe this movie can possibly be this bad. Also, she's so ridiculously gorgeous, in her awesome effortless way, it makes no sense.