
the government

Two seat inline race cars, such as Kaiser Willie's little brother's insanely cool 1910 Mercedes-Benz racer here.

A two seat inline race car like this, Prince Albert Wilhelm Heinrich's (insanely cool) 1910 Mercedes-Benz Race Car.


That's just sad man.

How desperately I hope the honest and decent folks at Jalopnik would break away from the horrorshow known as 'Gawker'.

Tacos truly are the #1 food I yearn for in the years since leaving the US.

I just bought my car: $1000. '94 Civic EG8 VTi (JD import) with low kms, manual, and a sunroof. Heaven :P

It's my dream car, because it's what I've got now, it's a car I've always wanted, it drives and handles like it's brand new even if it looks beat to shit, and I love it :D

NNop with two of her friends:

You're new here, aren't you...

> I can't tell how overthrowing Syria will benefit the US.

> trying to chase down the squids

implying a weighted down harley could even TRY to catch a sports bike...

What I see are US manufactured missiles blowing up airplanes that are involved in an active campaign against ISIS.

Yeah. You're right. I would absolutely buy an Xperia.

> It's not worth the trouble of changing the brakes.

I don't think anyone would give them too hard a time if they upgraded only the brakes for this use.

I'm never buying another Sony product again because of their incompetence trying to get my mom's smart TV working. I spent over six hours on the phone with them, and I never once talked to anyone who did anything other than repeat the steps on the publicly available troubleshooting web page. The absolute lack of any

10/10 would dragon the fuck out of

Catastrophically naive..and easily misdirected.

Most conservatives are as bad as liberals: unable to put together rational points or consider things objectively, they object to simple name-calling.

You just justified destroying an entire nation, physically wrecking its infrastructure with 30,000 bombing runs, directly killing scores, absolutely destroying their