You’re assuming that the market won’t take it’s Japanese origin into account.
You’re assuming that the market won’t take it’s Japanese origin into account.
haha can’t blame a car blog for hating on the potentially game-changing hyperloop tech ;)
It’ll be fine. You’ll just sit there with a tablet or whatever and watch a couple GoT and then you’ll be at your destination...
Just hope you don’t have to piss, that’s my biggest question.
It would make an awesome RV platform.
Corvettes are awesome, and are indeed the performance/dollar champion. I’m just saying that posting a lap time vs. a GT350 isn’t a direct comparison with the R model.
Nah, I’d take the Ford.
Dude. This discussion is about the GT350R, not the GT350.
I’ll never consider buying one for one reason:
2.0 liter 328d
He won, the other guy lost. He gets to go home and sleep with the head cheerleader. What else is there to say here?
I agree. He deserves a serious sentence for this, but I see no point keeping him in past the age of 50 or 55...
That’s still a hell of a sentence.
A couple details.
The racer’s CV:…
I read that the whole thing was caused by him simply clipping the rear of the UPS truck.
Although it does appear to be the base model, he did own the car.
I bought a very similar car...a red AE95 Corolla 4WD.
I only paid $240 for it with a busted rear window. Everything works except the tach and needs a couple minor TLCs. When I bought it it had a smashed rear window, that was $140 and a few hours to sort out. Still well worth it, it’s right near the top of favorite…
By similar logic, I assume you’d be OK with DC being nuked.
You’re a disgusting rape apologist, and you should hang your head in shame.
I like the rear a lot better.
So, if it’s so great, how come they didn’t adopt it 26 years ago?
I don’t smoke weed, I just don’t like bullshit.
Very solid advice.
Also worth mentioning, if you buy used cars frequently..compression test tools aren’t that expensive, nor are they hard to use on most cars. Definitely less than $150 for the tool, and you can use it as many times as you want.