
yes, ‘science’ does often lie, dumbfuck.

you posted the same link twice and it totally and utterly fails to substantiate your point.

> you don’t know which one you are until you wake up dead

Just because you could not do something, don’t assume others can’t as well. Different people have different reactions. There is solid statistical data to suggest that driving only on cannabis is not more dangerous than driving sober (although it amplifies that harm of alcohol).

Comparing driving high to driving drunk? I don’t care what experience you have, old-timer, your input is worthless.

The answer is ‘yes.’ If you disagree, I will fight you 1v1 in real life.

who were all put in their fucking place by the largely secular gaddafi and hussein

goes long on price at least

Wait...didn’t we intervene four years ago in favor of a group of rebels trying to overthrow a middle eastern regime? Resulting in disaster? Again?

> God help you if you left your bike on reserve and then let it run out.

your first one? shit less than 10% of the bikes I’ve had had one

ie most motorcycles

the combat is the best looking bike they've made

the tweaker. i once had a friend in high school who was often strung out. sometimes he would show up at my house and convince me to give him a drive somewhere else, after stealing some dexadrine. on two separate ocassions he reached over and jerked the wheel ‘to avoid an accident’, of course nearly causing one each

holy crap it's awesome

i personally thought my last wagon - a commodore- was great fun to hoon around in.

Your comment was extremely bigoted and intolerant towards zombies. You shouldn’t make such hasty assumptions about a zombie you haven’t ever met. Especially as this is Bruce McClaren, so there has been a bit of a ‘skunk works’ project down at McLaren to mechanically enhance him to have physical strength equivalent to

It’s a very pretty turbo six cylinder with a manual. What else do you need to know?

But what if those mods were applied by Bruce McLaren himself?

if you clicked ‘crack pipe’ you suck