
It appals me how many Americans fail to realize that the true and active menace to their country are men wearing suits and ties rather than turbans and kalashnikovs.

Which proves the point: America rules not by moral righteousness, but by pure force of arms.

By the moral standards you define, America deserves to be exterminated.

How about after American terrorists who remodelled Baghdad and Tripoli? Do you also support American uniformed terrorists going 'boom'?

Growing up in New Mexico, hey, this is kind of the norm!

As much as I utterly despise the shitstains at Gawker and my skin crawls to know that I am giving them traffic, THIS is why I still read Jalopnik.


One of those 'once you see it, you can never unsee it' type things.

no cookies for you.

Unapologetically Japanese? yes.

Unapologetically Boy Racer? yes.

5,000? Dear Lord, I never knew they even made so many Veyrons.

Hyundai and Honda, hard not to like them both :)

Not in five years you wouldn't.

Surprise! Consumers are hive-minded idiots.


Would you...commit insurance fraud to have this in your life?

Well, there's a lot of rocks to dig. It's a big place. But it's not a very long term strategy.

Rely too much , however, on mineral extraction royalties to meet budgets; and suddenly CSG fracking in the Sydney water table starts to sound like a sensible idea.