That’s the brilliance in diversity of opinion, you don’t speak for all. ;)
That’s the brilliance in diversity of opinion, you don’t speak for all. ;)
Wrong story?!?
Seriously! I create a fridge, and a dresser, and what?!? I can’t place food or clothing items in them? Okay, well then, let me make a foot locker, and another’re telling me they’re connected to my stash? So I only ever have 600lbs of storage available to me? So those LVL 30 & 45 Power Armor sets...I…
I can speak on authority from a print perspective, in which paper templates created from patented design are, in fact, quite costly. Those patented templates are in turn licensed out to print warehouses at a premium. The same can be said on production of an acrylic good, which I’ve also had a hand in with similar…
There are a ton of movies released every year, and while I agree...those mainstream films were good, it’s difficult to put them up against game changers, avant garde successes, once lost cinematic masterpieces, and the collaborative efforts of proven formulas in a more widely accepted sector...I mean, let’s face it,…
Is this in book form? It really needs to be.
I want this...but, in the model that Rocksmith presented. Give me a midi input and allow me to use my keyboard as the controller. I wish more games in this sector offered less gamey iterations that served as tools to learn, practice, and improve.
Not to curtail the discussion, because I agree, it’s an amazing cover, but are we really side-stepping the mention of “random” white guy here? Is that because we don’t want spoilers...or...something else?
Physical releases for PS4 and Switch in North American only.
Doc, I’ve read many of your posts, but the acknowledgement of the situation, and advice you deliver to UL/Pods is so remarkably on! I’ve been in this, and there, felt those feels, became super melancholy, took a break...then reconnected with this individual and we’re better friends than ever. I also…
I’m sorry, but a $5 monetization compensation is a make-good for this? Really? I mean, aside from the crap bag...the helmet I received had its share of damages/imperfections. The whole thing is a mess, and certainly worth more than $5 in kickback.
Maybe I’m optimistic, but I truly feel there has to be a plan. While that makes no excuse for the current state of the game, or any of the points of contention, I have to imagine that as a former Vault 76 dweller, we are only the first to make it out in the wastelands of West Virginia...and through a typical MMO model…
Why have DLC when they can sell you a Volume 2? ;)
Ah, gotcha...definitely agree with you on those points.
POP is a bit formulaic , and you may not be a fan, but objectively she’s competent at everything she does. She’s simply a rare talent that’s hard to find these days.
Feudal Japan Assassin’s!?
Is it the Diablo game I want? No, not really...but I’ll simply decide upon release if it’s something I’m going to play, or not. Not sure why people are so outraged and volatile with their stance on this. I don’t feel I’m entitled to Blizzard producing the experience I want, when I want it. It will come, and I’ll be…
Requiem came out the same day as Red Dead Redemption 2. I’ve been playing it since...and it features the far superior Dracula X Chronicles voiceovers.
The better version of SotN was just released on PS4. The older voiceovers don’t really stand the test of time, so I’d have skipped that in favor of Requiem.
Well, that’s how the pendulum swung as it relates to TWD. Season 2 was indeed a bit of a letdown, but it picked up in the subsequent seasons with a major course correct. Michonne was a great branch, and New Frontier was really great, really setting the stage for some great momentum into the last season. Sad we may not…