
Why didn’t they just take Savage after Rip slit his throat, wait for him to heal then have that hawk lady (don’t remember her name) stab him? He’s down, even if they couldn’t kill him they could try containment. Can’t rule the world if they throw him in a cell & throw away the key.

Using the calculator at , a hundred foot dense rock (3 g/cc) hitting at 17 km/s at 45 degrees: you get a 1.14 megaton airburst at an altitude of 14.8 km, with no effects on the ground other than a 66 dB bang. (Your stereo can make more noise.) 90 degree impact: 1.3 MT at 9.7

Amyloid is just a naturally occurring protein, so I wouldn’t suspect there is any difference between the two diseases. Amyloid plaques are also found in healthy brains, so there is not a clear causal relationship between the presence of plaques and disease. Amyloid plaques are associated with Alzheimer’s Disease, but

Then clearly the town is ignorant to graphic design.

PLEASE employ some kind of copy editor...

Well that’s the thing. At least in DC Metro stations, the lines only seem to appear when both lanes are full. But others here have said that’s not the case with some of the London Tube stops where you have extraordinarily long escalators. I can see how you get a lot of wasted capacity there if you reserve the left

“I mean, it’s fresh, clean snow for all of us...”

Who knows, maybe we’ll get lucky and find two interstellar vacation homes, not so far away. Somebody better start building a generation ship.

Now playing

Stealing someone else’s moves if you ask me.

Damn. Chekhov had some very SPECIFIC ideas about plot.

Or they don’t use radio waves, but some other form of communication.
Or it IS a Dyson sphere, but was operational until 6354562 years ago.
For now, the ONLY other place that we know has something moving on it is Mars, inhabited by alien robots.

That’s only if the structure was still operational 1300 years ago.

I dunno, man...

I’ll certainly give it a chance, but as someone who loved the comic when I was younger....I have to say it hasn’t aged particularly well, and I’m a bit worried Rogen and Company might rely too much on the stuff we all thought was so cool when the series started that was just Ennis being “edgy” for the

I must be wrong, but wouldn’t orbital mechanics enable them to discover more or less where and when it originated by just going backwards from its current location? I thought that sort of thing was relatively “simple” or is that just from reading too much early Heinlein? I’m pretty sure logarithms are involved. Then

Emily Blunt had a fantastic quote about that recently. Something along the lines of “only a few women at a time are ever considered for action roles, and right now I’m one of them”. But any actress can do those kinds of roles.

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And if this will bring the fare rate of cabs down by eliminating tips and labor costs, granting access of taxis to the poor and people with disabilities, I’m all for it! If it continues to reduce traffic collisions and the death rate from auto collisions, I’m all for it!

I have mixed feelings about season 1. I mean, the concept is great, and the first few episodes were great. But by the end of season 1 it went from “great” to “grating.” I kept expecting Phil to finally wisen up and stop being such an obnoxious jackass, but that never happened. I had hopes he would finally realize what

Right. These are the stories as the person telling them remembers, so Max’s age may not be right on the money, the level of civilization / depravity may not be entirely accurate, etc.