
Yeah, this is reflective of the nutritional consensus quietly, stealthily backing off the diet-heart hypothesis.


Obviously not, I admire your conviction, but you should educate yourself a bit more here, your idea of how we got to modern crops is superficial and more than a bit warped. Your ideas about natural vs not seem only to be based in to a serious ignorance about how modern farming and plant breeding works, and investing

Yeah no, I think you have a passing knowledge of biology your playing off as if it is the whole picture. I’m certainly not being deliberately dense, I understand what you are saying and what you think is true, you are just wrong. The idea the artificial selection isn’t artificial, the idea that all offspring are

Also, from another angle, this is still false. Many species can cross breed, typically but not always producing a sterile child that can grow up but not reproduce. Plants can even manage this when the parents have different numbers of chromosomes, and new species can be created, entirely without human intervention,

What? individuals and populations move differently. We’re selecting for indiviudals with many recessive traits that would not give a selective advantage to that individual in nature. Wolves contain all the natural variance we see in dogs; we don’t see any wolves that look like chihuahuas.

Wrong. This is a fundimental misunderstanding about crop seeding that ties this to GMO. Most plant varieties do not breed true from seed because they are full of recessive genes that, when pollinated by itself or another plant the wind, mean you get a baby that is not genetically identical to the parent and is often

All new food varieties already are safety tested, regardless of the method of their creation. This is the point of the cited study, and that “GMO” crops are no more likely than “naturally” bred crops to be unsafe, and that the distinction between those is not nearly so black and white as you seem to think.

This is so important. You’re much more likely to upregulate natural toxins or allergens when doing conventional breeding; for example:

The farming process has been breeding things that nature wouldn’t allow to occur for millenia. The traits we want out of our food crops are recessive traits and rare mutations that only increase fitness by making them more attractive food stuffs (or visually) to human farmers.

So we also have a ton of variance in our plant breeding stocks added by “mutational breeding” in the 20th century, where we blasted plants with chemicals and radiation to generate new versions of existing genes, then bred these back into the “natural” (atually, artificially selected) plant varieties we have. And since

Isn’t increasing complexity by defnition increasing the amount of data? I mean, if you think of expressing data only in binary, how would you add more “complexity” without adding 1's and 0's?

Blood magic is powered by kingsblood. How many kings did she kill in that scene? You’re welcome.

Yup, only the red priests have magic powers! Oh and the sorceress who screwed over Dany. And the Warlocks of Quarth. Oh right, and the faceless men. Um, and Qyburn. And the three eyed crow? and then just the children of the forest and the white walkers. So right, just the Red preists, Dany...and all those other guys.

Creepy Uncle Steve is always trying to pick up girls at Carter family funerals.

“Never trust a Stark!” “...Who are you?”

Hi! It’s not a “brain disorder.” It explicitly affects only the peripheral neurons, the nerves in the lower legs and arms. No part of the brain or spinal cord is affected.

I would have gone with, “makes its own bisque!"

Tragically, it will explode into a puddle of goo if brought up to the surface.

Came here to say this. Antman can obivously vary mass and size both, and a tiny thing with low mass would not, in fact, be bothered by those G forces. I mean, by this argument, arrows themselves are obviously physically impossible, the shaft should be torn apart!