
I'm the same way. My library is filled with games I've completed 90% of the way through, but had to step away from =/

Same with sequential t.v. series, like Anime. I need to binge em all at once or I likely won't finish em =/

Eww, chips? Burgers should never be served with chips.

Unless it's what the Brits call chips. In that case it's chill.

Then they probably went to the "Tumblr School of Photography" and/or think instagram filters make them professional.

The DS4. It's the only controller I can use for gaming now.

The whole damn thing is just... perfect. The sticks are comfortable and both stick/slip free, the Dpad is responsive and gives just the right amount of resistance, buttons are slick and great for fast-tapping, the grips are shaped just right for my

Hands down best controller I've used in ages.


Take your time, mate. Leave the Min/Maxing and uber-efficiency for when you're already jaded as fuck =P

Take it from someone who desperately wants to recapture that attitude of relaxed discovery——Don't lose it. The moment things become a race to the top is the moment the game loses all sense of fun.

Take it from a guy

Personally I prefer the air =P

SSB without Falco wouldn't be much of a SSB at all, in my eyes.

As long as he's playable to some extent, I'm fine.

I'd like to see them do "clone" characters as like an alternate costume thing. I.e., select Fox, then toggle between Fox, Falco, and Wolf with Y and their individual color sets

Is a cod-piece too much to ask for?

The splosion of bob shall never be silenced!

He's jokingly stating a well known fact:

Who the heck buys photoshop? That shit is expensive!

The glory of Grand Theft Auto games is that they do everything, albeit largely half-assed.

Sniper Elite 3 seems like a perfect summer-doldrums game, a guilty pleasure that will keep you occupied while not much else is on the horizon. Wondering which platform should you get it for? You should watch these comparison videos first. There is a clear loser.

Canada: the U.S.'s quirky, lovable younger brother. We mock him incessantly... But deep down we think he's chill as fuck.

The only "large" MOBA I've played that wasn't a bloody cesspool was SMITE. And even then it was as caustic as Lake Natron—-You simply had a bunch of chill people inbetween to even things out.

Dota2 and LoL are just.... Terrible.

Dude, I'm in the same boat in regards to Warlords of Draenor.

I thought I was done. I started in early 2005. I quit in mid Wrath. I came back in Cataclysm and was horribly disappointed...

But WoD... Damnit WoD is really making me sweat. It is far too tempting.

That age group is roughly between ages 6~75.

They make games that anyone from any age group can enjoy. People between the ages of 14-28 simply suffer from this feeling that anything with too much color or that isn't "Serious" is "for kids".

Nintendo designs their games to be "inoffensive"—-Otherwise known as "family

Smite is the most accessible—-and the least boring, in my opinion. Largely due to the 1:1 control you have over your hero, versus games like LoL or Dota2 where you command your hero, rather than actually control them.

That's because Bob is the savior of this site. Without him it surely would have imploded long ago.


It must be even worse than it otherwise would be, considering the fan outcry over his replacement.

Dude loved doing his work, and the fans loved his hearing his work. Losing a role like that—-disregarding the fact he had it for a dozen years—-is crushing enough already. Knowing you have a massive fanbase who

World of Warcraft not only has a clock built into the HUD, but there's also mods to get a timer/alarm clock in the U.I. =P