

Of course it’s called “Tory.”

I didn’t want to believe it, but love is officially dead.

Oh, yeah, did anyone else get the vibe that Keppler is going to be Noahs’ Colbert to his Stewart? They had such a quick and easy chemistry that reminded me of their predecessors. And I want to see more bits between the two of them.

I read “Jason Wahler” but my brain thought “Justin Bobby” and I honestly thought “well... cocaine could explain the whole... Justin Bobby... situation...”

you’d love the midwest.

It’s believed that Jessica Fletcher (Angela Lansbury) on Murder, She Wrote is not just an author who writes mysteries, but is actually a serial killer who disguises herself as a novelist and amateur detective. How else could Jessica Fletcher, again and again, “randomly” stumble upon a dead body and later on, “figure

It’s true!

His nudes from when he was in a play some years ago made me very happy. Good (and surprisingly large) things come in small packages.

wake up sheeple!!!

Oh hey neighbour! Hopefully we toss Aspin on his ass!

When a 28 year old man says “I’m good at females” I have this reaction

(except re:winter)

I’m also a dual Citizen. Even though I’m not (As some of his supportes haveso eloquently phrased) a citizen of ‘you know, one of THOSE countries’ it’s such an offensive and divisive bill. Everything about the Harper regime is awful.

No, he’s no Jack. Jack was my MP when I lived in Toronto. I miss Jack.

Anyway, what I need from Mulcair is to not fuck up as horribly as Harper. The bar has been set pretty low, frankly. I’m even overlooking the stupid nonsense with his party supporting labelling for GMOs (humans have been creating GMOs for ages,

I am trying to. Apparently all of the CBC buildings are up for sale, too, he’s destroying Canada.

Lifelong orange here, but in 2008, so scared was I of a blue majority, I swallowed hard and voted for the red incumbent in my then-riding (a long-serving MP and rather an unpleasant person). But it wasn’t close. He still walked away with it: majority reduced by a few thousand, was all.

Bring your freedom fries but prepare for them to be drenched in gravy and cheese curds upon arrival.