
“You’re Can-Can-Cancer Free”

I choo choo choose to recommend this.

The internet is riddled with videos of men popping their armpit abcesses.

Man, he’s gonna be pissed when someone reads this article to him.

I didn’t believe sea cucumbers were even a real thing and thought the person who told me about them was telling me lies, because they had a tendency to make up stories that I believed and then I got laughed at when I found out they weren’t true.

This is good news, except now it’ll only be worth $14...

Seriously, I do too and a little goes a long way with LeTourneau, in all senses of that phrase.

“Would have made the meal more festive if the restaurant had seated us on both sides of the table.”

God, when I think of all the $$ I've spent on cat toys. The improvised amusements I've come home to find on the floor, just with my current two cats?

I have a cube-shaped pink digital clock (Mr. Inq insists it's orange but what does he know? It was pink when I got it so it's still pink) that I got when I was eight. I'm 35 now and it still works and I've kept it through all of my several moves. It's in my office now and it is totally not sort-of orange due to age.

I thought it was whether the hangers match the shoe rack.

Having typical female anatomy, I have never peed on a wall.

His head is WAY too small for his body.

We're gonna need a bigger cross.

I'm sure El-ahrairah is okay with Hazel and Fiver getting a little baked.

Give the drummer some love, people!

I believe the true unsung hero here is the young lady in the back, killing her FUCKING DRUM SET!!!!

What you really meant to say was..."What's a nubian?"

I'm picturing a fat old bulldog with a snaggletooth.

Nah girl, Pad Kee Mow is the superior thai dinner