
How can a newborn baby be obese? WTF are you saying?

I don't have a problem with Target selling sex toys. Why not?

I'd heard anecdotally previously and just checked Wikipedia to see if it mentioned it, and apparently Eve has now written a monologue for a trans woman to be included in the Monologues. She "updates" the monologues from time to time I believe.

Forever grey, hope y'all will see this: Having been homeless, please let me attest to how very shitty it is to have your period and no supplies. Homeless teens have it even worse, because usually going to a shelter means someone calling CPS. For the first month, I had supplies I'd taken from home. The second month, I

Eh, it sounds a bit stupid at first glance, but if it disencourages companies to use pseudo-science to try to sell things, this can only be good.

I don't think it's a buried lede so much as old, rehashed news. That was reported by Jez and other sites back during the Sony hack.

I maintain that "douche" is a very feminist insult. Something that gets uncomfortably all up in my crotch for no good reason whatsoever? Perfect.

I'm so tired of people thinking that just because you work in a caring profession you are obligated to be some sort of martyr. If you choose to never be "off the clock" and make every life decision in deference to your professional responsibilities, that's fine. However, you can't expect everyone else to meet these


Ugly or pretty, I've never really understood people's compulsion to tell others what they look like, as if they have no access to mirrors. This was especially baffling when I was a teenage girl and it seemed like EVERY motherfucker had to give me an opinion on the subject.

To your point, it's the threat. I don't know this particular nurse's wage situation, but the people who come care for my mother get paid less than $10.00/hour and I wouldn't expect them to deal with this kind of harassment to do their work. I'm sure there are other ill people she can go care for without getting her

I used to street park when I lived in New York. This whole story makes no sense to me. Dibs...for a parking space. Chicago must be a magical land of make-believe.

I love the saying, "those who love brutal honesty are more interested in the brutality than thr honesty".

it's kind of the unwritten rule that you don't take other people's shoveled out spaces, right?

I just realized what this photo reminds me of. When I turned 13 I had a sleepover party and everyone stuffed giant balloons into their shirts and we ran around chest-bumping each other and trying to stab them with plastic forks.

"I should have manned up and I should have fought for you," Blandford says. "And I didn't. I didn't. I am so grateful that you are in Heaven with Jesus, the King of Kings, the Lord of Lords, and that you got to see him before I did. And I know you're going to extend me grace, but I just—it would've been so cool to

I tend to have the opposite problem — once gave a couple bucks to one lousy charity and now I get address labels in mail several times per year. And I haven't donated to any of those charities (including the original one) in nearly a DECADE.

Oh you liberals and your constant negativity. Let's consider instead what she got right about this article.

i totally see the jewelry aspect but what i found so weird about that comment is that — do people wear wooden crosses around their neck? i was thinking more like, wall decorations. and i can't imagine a diamond cross on the wall and i'm from TX which seems like prime diamond wall cross territory.

Ok, I think I'm missing something from this article, because it says it's going to explain why this works only to tell you what to do without telling you what the hell is this doing to your body that works, and if the explanation is that people have been doing it for thousands of years then I'm baffled...