
There's always Dan Savage's solution of using "scrotum" for an insult (since they're so delicate and tender) and "pussy" for the opposite (since they're strong and push out babies). (He didn't come up with the idea but he promotes it.)

I thought about that too so I checked and apparently it's already extremely popular. Who knew? I don't know any babies so these stats always come as a surprise to me.

Poor phrasing! I just meant, objectively speaking Paul has a voice that very few pop singers can match, including any of the other Beatles. If you want to make an argument based on the personalities of their different voices sure (though Paul's got that too), but his power, range, and tone are the best.

I'm in love with George but Paul's voice is a powerhouse. No competition.

Yeah, you didn't mention a daughter at all in your original comment. I extrapolated though. :)

Roger, carry on.

Can't tell how serious you're being but typical summers here are 80, 90, 100 F. I wore a short-sleeved tea length to my wedding in May and was sweltering.

Exactly, that's the one part I objected to also. Snark about sharing TMI photos is not even a little bit the same as judging how someone gave birth.

The whole message was terribly written and would have red marks all over it if submitted for a basic freshman composition assignment. Depressing.

These are good, but can they pleeeeease be proofread for basic spelling and grammar? It just kind of jars me out of the spooky mood.

"I can't operate on this boy, he's my son!"

And you'll never have to. Everything I've ever read about him (and it's kind of a lot) has corroborated that he was a sublime ray of glorious warmth and wonder in all aspects of his life.

So glad to be reading this whole thread. Whenever this topic comes up on here, it always makes me wonder what I should do when it happens to me. Because I usually do just say good morning back or whatever (or "no thanks" when a guy came up to me and asked if I wanted to go get a drink with him at 11am), and I'm

How do you start that conversation? Someone comes up next to you while waiting to cross the street and says, "good morning beautiful." What are the next words out of your mouth? I would really love some lessons because the right thing to say never comes to me when it happens.

Haha, I'm also a former cashier, and I never really minded it when I was behind the register because whatever, it's not like I had anywhere to be and I was paid by the hour, but I would feel really bad for the person behind them, and when I am the person behind them I feel bad for myself.

It's so out of thin air I thought for sure she must have just accidentally clipped a sentence from the end of the quote or something. It doesn't relate to the quote even slightly.

Hmm, I've gotten no response at all. I wonder what that means.

And then the form of payment is a checkbook. Oh how my heart sinks.

Yes, I try to get it all done in October/early November too only because I actually really love the holiday season, and don't want to spend any of it stressing about shopping. Sooooo much easier to enjoy when all that's already done.

I don't... what? Why did he think women needed to sit on a seat and men didn't? What difference could there possibly be?