
Why should anybody hate all Muslims? I don’t. Men treat women horridly. This includes Muslim men. There are plenty of Muslims who are not abusive. They’re called women.

Dear men:

I don’t mean to trivialize anything but as a conventionally unattractive woman these comments are really taking a toll on me.

I couldn’t help but think just a little bit about if he is wondering why Supermodels ignore him but looks at the quiet girl in the next desk who thinks he’s pretty cool and thinks “ew”

It’s hard to sympathize with a guy who describes himself as ugly and only pines for the hot girls. Are there no ugly girls or okay looking girls at his college? Does he go to a real college or just live in the Abercombie & Fitch catalogue thinking it’s real life?

Sure, but those girls are probably ugly by his standards. It’s the super hot girls for him or nothing at all.

“I constantly see the most painfully attractive women....

Came down here to say the same thing you said in your second paragraph. It goes both ways, dear self-deprecating letter writer, if you want women to take you for more than your looks, you gotta do the same.

I really agree with your last point. It seems there are a lot of guys who say “no one would ever date me!” when they mean “the most conventionally attractive girls I know won’t date me.”

To the first letter-your advice is totally right. At the end of the day, you need to be confident and happy with yourself and that goes a long way, and that confidence and self-satisfaction is largely generated from doing the things you want in your life. I was awkward and lacked self-confidence in high school, but

Does that mean in two years when I’m being handed my phd, my memories of being assaulted by men will be magically replaced with new memories in which I pet kittens with philosophers? Because that would sure make nighttime public transit less of an anxiety crap shoot.

I just don’t understand women who date cops.

I wish men would stop saying this. We don’t have value because of our relationships with men - we are people with worth no matter whether we’re related to you or not. Instead of thinking, “what if this happened to my wife/sister/mother/daughter” try thinking “what if this happened to me.” Because that is what we think

so you’re checking out the kids in the park for hours, but lie to your wife about it? NICE!

Republican men don’t think women face obstacles because THEY ARE THE OBSTACLE.

Actually, men have the highest score, dear. Forty-nine percent of the US population (just for a for-instance), and responsible for over ninety percent of our litigated violent crime. It’s very simple: something is horrifyingly wrong with half our species, yet that half has enjoyed “golden” status for all of recorded

Sure, and likewise he would not have become president if she hadn’t been there to manage many of his early campaigns, work a corporate law job she hated so that he was free to take lower paying political positions, etc. The idea that his achievements are his alone but hers are shared between the two of them is sexist

If I concede that you may have a point about him being a better politician, could you at least consider conceding the point that the country simply was not going to elect a female president in the 90s? I know you love the idea that “sexist stereotypes can be true,” but this is a couple that always ran on the the idea

Can we all agree that it’s unlikely that Bill Clinton would have become president if he wasn't married to Hillary Rodham Clinton?

Without her he would be everyone’s favorite history professor at The University of Arkansas.