
People can be so tactless in times like this. When my parents died last summer (murder-suicide by my dad), people had the gall to tell me “They just loved each other so much. They went together.” It took everything in me not to say “Did you read the police report, do you know how hard my mother fought to stay here?

For me, the idea of suicide was always comforting. Like, yes, my life is a constant misery and it appears it’s never gonna get better. Most of the time, I can live with that. But if things get really bad, unbearable even... It’s comforting to know there is a way out. I’m trying to say, for me, suicide has to be an

You’re coming off like a smug asshole all over this comment thread so I’ll just reply to this one.

I feel you. I mean, you do need to be comfortable and content (I say content and not happy, I don’t think you can truly be happy being single if it’s not what you want) being single, if only to not be in daily misery. But being single when you don’t want to be is a pain that I don’t think most people understand. And

Yep. Really love being told that my problem is “you need to stop being unhappy about being single and just accept it”. Like, why don’t you just fuckin’ come right out and say that I don’t deserve anyone?

This is slightly off topic, but one thing that always bothers me about singlehood narratives (and I’m not necessarily talking about this one because I think the author does touch on this) is that when single people say they want a relationship the advice is always - “GET COMFORTABLE WITH BEING SINGLE” no matter the

Men: create a system of toxic masculinity that allows them to commit violence towards women and affords them all sorts of advantages over us for literal centuries

Although I got zero points for my attempt at the triple axel, in my mind I went for it

AKA, a dude.

Yeah. I really feel bad for this father because I know he was simply overcome. But as a survivor of child sex abuse, I wish more people realized that this type of reaction is not helpful to survivors and only causes more pain and trauma. It is understandable, but not helpful.

He’s not likely to be charged, and I’m ok with that, but what I’m not ok with is everyone ignoring his daughter yelling for him not to do it so they can pat him on the back.

I’m impressed by how this article has been monopolized lately by guys who have taken all the wrong lessons from the recent wave of sexual assault allegations.

Same to all of this. After years of being the ‘runner-up’, I finally just gave up. I feel weird for being OK with it because I’m acutely aware of how odd I am in relation to most people. Glad to know I’m not the only one!

Be careful, if you point out that her orgasms are about her, you might get binned with the “feminist-leaning man-hater types”

Good. Time to stop the moronic trend of hardcore slob binge drinking on college campuses. “College” is not intended to be a place where you go to “learn how to drink”, that’s a TV/movie trope that’s just gone too far. College in this country needs to be far, far tougher...both academically and admissions-wise. Make it

Except they’ve made it work for ten more years after she cheated.

I’m particularly amused by the fact that if the WH and Puzder had their acts together, filed his paperwork in a timely manner, and gotten his hearing rushed through as originally planned, they could have avoided most of this. Thank god for bureaucrats who got scared when people got mad that most of these nominees

Immigration reform would be good, but on the balance, Puzder would be awful. So, the National Review is stupid and wrong, but this is still a good thing. Score another one for Democratic resistance.

And, especially after 2016, I will not countenance the bullshit arguments “He/she didn’t speak to my issues” or “He /she didn’t inspire me.”

Wait, was this in the car or the restaurant? This is kind of sloppily written.