
A+ wig game.

The Republican party has been genuinely vile for 20 years so I’ve no sympathy for anyone who has willingly signed on with it.

THIS. THIS. THIS. When they go low, dredge the earth beneath them. The high road got us exactly here. I’m putting razor blades in my braids. Let’s dance motherfuckers.

Drag her, drag Ivanka, drag the fucking ten year old. I don’t give a single, solitary fuck anymore. Do what needs done.

Capitulating and playing nice with these motherfuckers for the last sixteen years has led straight to this shit. It’s time for us to strangle the fucking stupid out of them if we have to.

This isn’t incompetence. Trump may be an idiot, but his two Steves aren’t. They know exactly what they are doing. This big, flashy, apparently clumsy executive order was designed to create chaos and confusion and to elicit outrage and protest from their political opponents. Meanwhile, Trump’s inner circle of advisors

My husband and daughter in DC today; we drove up from Florida!

For what it’s worth, part of me hopes that you’re right and I’m wrong. Dealing with grief as a non-believer has been one of the more difficult things I’ve ever had to do. One of the things that really surprised me in the aftermath was how angry/jealous I was of people who believed, and who were so certain in their

Im sure a lot of my ancestors died in gas chambers with their honor in tact. My great grandfather on the other hand was a gangster who rolled with lucky luciano and helped build long island. Im a law abiding citizen, but if the choice is trump with honor or a dem without... guess which one I am taking without

There aren’t any “rules.” There’s laws, and I haven’t said anything about breaking the law. But there’s no “rule” that says you have to be honest about your opponent. There’s no “rule” that says you have a responsibility to represent people who didn’t vote for your side. There’s no “rule” that says you can’t throw an

Sorry, Michelle. When they go low, dig to the core. The high road has gotten us exactly here.

As a current resident of the East Coast and former resident of flyover I can back your observation. Having lived in both areas, I feel the disdain is completely deserved.

One tiny example (of many) of why I believe this is: I have to make sure my pants aren’t too tight or that I don’t wear any “weird” shirt patterns

This needs to be shouted from the mountaintops. A LOT of people found Clinton to be inspiring and charismatic, they just were not in Wisconsin and Michigan. Never listens and never changes? I thought a major complaint of Hillary was that she flip-flopped too much.

Why wouldn’t they? People from those states dismiss us. Every. Single. Time. You’ll never hear a hillbilly from Missouri say after an election loss “I guess we need to pay closer attention to the people in the cities.” Even though we outnumber them, which is kind of the whole idea behind democracy.

I would SO do that. My problem is that my daughter is literally the nicest person I’ve ever met. I worry that she would leave with a guy in a stained tshirt and a windowless van just to avoid offending him. I’m trying to model bitchy behavior for her, which is something definitely in my wheel house.

It amazes me how incredible stupid people are allowing themselves to be. They want so desperately to have reasons to hate the Clintons that they believe some ridiculous story for freaking 4chan.

This is one of many examples of Hollywood treating people as expendable commodities. People often forget that while Hollywood often espouses very progressive ideology it is still very much run by old white guys who believe that they are gods among mortals. What was done to Schneider should have been prosecuted as a

He’s a tech billionaire venture capitalist with John Galt fantasies. Basically he’s a part of this fringe group of tech billionaires who believe that they (business leaders, private industry) would be better qualified to run the country. He bankrolled the lawsuit against Gawker because they published an article that

White, old, middle class, largely male, Christians living in the flyover states who have become aware that society is evolving past catering to their every whim and seek to claw that dominance back.

I’m sorry. That sounds horrible.:(

Wow wow wow. I can’t even begin to understand that. How do you deal with them?