
My doggy is hanging in there, but in so much pain. The tumour keeps growing and it’s spread to her lungs now. We have a euthanasia date. :( Spending her last few days visiting her favourite places and eating all kinds of junk. She’s had a cheeseburger, chicken shawarma, poutine, pulled pork, and an ice cream cone just

It’s just so funny. Men have been harping on the things women wear since forever. Leggings/yoga pants/Uggs have all had at least a dozen negative think-pieces written by men. But a woman does the same thing once - OMG THAZ NOT OKAY HOW DARE U!!!

God, it must be SO HARD to be judged by your appearance and clothing choices instead of your skills and work ethic. HOW TERRIBLE.

Same here. At work I’m known as an uptight ice queen who cares most about policy and stats. When I leap-frogged every dude in the office to get my position, it was *obviously* (eye roll) *only* because I am a woman. They subsequently tried for a good year to bring me down. Eight years later I’m still here and have

It’s astounding that after 40 years of working in the public sector for the rights of children, people with disabilities, women and minorities, Clinton STILL doesn’t get any credit, and any achievements she has are dismissed as her husband’s doing.

I think that’s a dangerous game to play. I know you don’t mean it this way, but I do feel that any female nominee would be met with objections of “I’ve wanted a female presidential nominee for a long time, just not this female presidential nominee.” All candidates have faults, but female candidates are expected to be


He's a good choice. I’m anticipating a lot of grumbling fellow liberals. Here’s why she basically HAD to choose him:

If you base your “allyship” and “feminism” on what internet commenters say, you were never either.

You have to be kind of impressed that the backlash was strong enough that the NRA felt the need to acknowledge a black man being murdered by the police as a bad thing — despite the not-insignificant portion of their membership whose most cherished fantasy is using their arsenal to make America white again.

I’m getting so tired of boner lens some guys get when they interview women they find attractive. It feels like they can see anything beyond their appearance.

Most of my relatives are unrefined whites

Well, as someone who stopped shaving, I’m pretty sick of everyone telling me I’m unhygenic/gross/ugly/smelly and lazy because I have hair. I’m also tired of seeing dudes (who probably wouldn’t go down anyway) claim any hair on a woman is the reason they won’t eat her out.

Yeah he cleaned the whole house.

I feel selfish for complaining about this with every thing else that’s going on in the world, but I’m at home with my sick cat, who I think I am going to have to say goodbye to on Monday, and need to get it out somewhere.

“You’ve Just Voted to Leave the EU. You Won’t BELIEVE What Happens Next...”

I’ve always been relieved that my mother is into the Jesus, for the simple reason that family honour is less important to her than helping me avoid eternal damnation. This means it is very much in her interest to keep me alive, at least until I start regularly attending Sunday church services.

from wicki

If this is along the lines of what you mean, then I agree: Man hits a certain age and has a midlife crisis. Sees his wife his own age as no longer a “trophy wife” for him. Man divorces his supporting wife of decades and takes up with a woman far younger who he sees as better for his image and who he wants to show off

60? 31? Ew.