
Exactly. My God. I don’t get women whose need to get married is bigger than the signs they are seeing since dating. You cannot change a man, you will not change a man. You don’t have to get married either. Marriage hardly works these days. Guys have a different chip than our parents and grandparents. Yet girls still

I hate that I’m two months into OKCupid and I’ve already discovered this.

Am I entitled for expecting someone to put in half of the effort needed for a conversation or are you the entitled one for expecting women to respond to your halfassed “hey” messages?

I used to do this, but you know what I have discovered in this online dating hell? Every Single Time I take initiative and set up plans for the first date, I soon learn that the dude will NEVER reciprocate. If he didn’t have the courage to make the first move, and the grown-up-ness to pick a time and place, he will

It’s hilarious that expecting people to put in more than the bare minimum in romantic effort reads as “entitled” to some.

As a girl, I have tried the direct approach and in my experience it isn’t worth it. If a guy actually wants to hang out, he will text me and be direct. I start doing it after we’ve already hung out a few times. There’s no reason in my mind for a guy not to ask me if he wants to.

I tend to move on from prospect to prospect until I meet someone who is willing to put in equal effort.

So, just under a week ago, my husband told me he wanted a divorce. It was the morning after my 35 high school reunion (I’m clearly a so old) and I’d had a glorious weekend of reminiscing and playing with old friends. This wasn’t completely out of the blue but it was a surprise that it came when it did. We’ve been

i think your hysterical emotionalism is impairing your reading comprehension. she specifically directed the question to MRAs, not to all men. calm down and try to be rational; i know it’s hard to do with all those hormones and whatnot, but try.

My bf in college had no sexual experience except watching porn before we met, and when he finally had real sex he said he ‘preferred the fantasy of porn’. Needless to say it didn’t work out and he hasn’t had a relationship since (6 years) bc nothing compares to what he sees on the internet. It’s a sad addiction and

Thanks. I feel sometimes like my friends see criticism of the porn industry as somehow un-feminist, but am I crazy to be a little nervous around campus thinking that (for all I know) most of the boys around me masturbated last night to a women getting violently sexually assaulted?

So I watched the documentary and like most people was pretty disgusted. This is controversial, but isn’t it possible that *maybe* having all these videos online that boys watch that glorify women being raped or forced into performing various sexual acts desensitizes them to the ugly reality of sexual assault and *may*

Here’s the thing that is always interesting to me about Jez’s coverage of porn: There’s always a defense of the industry and a statement that being in porn can be a great experience, etc. - even in an article like this one that in fact describes negative experiences had by many people. Yet in articles about sexual

Mike Huckabee is a cesspool of darkness. He totally lacks any semblance of humanity. Not only should he obviously not be president, he and everyone around him should be investigated as though they were a terrorist cell, because they’re doing far more damage to American citizens through their extreme religious ideology

This is something that has been on my mind a lot lately. I was a precocious kid who scored well within the 99th percentile on every standardized test from third grade to the SAT. I grew up listening to people tell me that I was going to go do exciting things with my life. And then I decided to pack my bags and move

We’d been somewhere on the acquaintance/friends border for years and we both had a little crush on the other for most of that time. We met for drinks awhile ago and the mutual crushing thing came to light. Then we spent weeks having an ongoing discussion navigating what we wanted to do about that. We didn't start

Exactly. Coupled with: Do you have any summer plans? It's like, Nope.

Hey, Marie, and any other Jez staffers: Can you find out why Deadspin hasn’t had ANY coverage for the Women’s World Cup? It aired today and I couldn’t find anything on it on their site. I asked in their open forum and no response. They were practically wetting themselves during the World Cup last year, and now that

Long story short - the year between June6, 2014-June 5, 2015 was very bad for me. It began with a diagnosis of cancer for me, progressed to losing my house to foreclosure, and culminated in the recent death (more cancer) of my wonderful cat, Fresca. I wrote about that here. Thanks so much for the support. So today

It’s been a pretty traumatic year for me and one of the side effects is that I feel like I can’t handle a physical or romantic relationship for a long time or maybe ever again. I still get lonely though.