
Sometimes it just does not make sense and the heartbreak is horribly painful in ways that make you feel broken. Its just not fair sometimes and people who lucked out acting like there is a blueprint to love are assholes. Be as kind to yourself as you can be.

Obviously a woman making a video is silly, but Nabokov writing about fucking a teenager is ART.

it’s probably something else than my weight, but I am pretty, smart and funny with lots of confidence, and think my weight is why I’m single. My weight fluctuates from 150-260 when I get tired of being out of breath and shape and I count calories and exercise. I can get laid, but those same guys don’t want to date me.

Hi. I live in our society. I’m a fat woman. I’ve always been a fat woman. And I couldn’t catch a D with the world’s biggest butterfly net. Never could, even when I starved myself to fit into a size 10. I realize you have a different experience, but saying “ALL WOMEN” is a load of horse shit. There are women out there

You complain about being put down by women, yet, what you’re basically doing, is hammer in the head of the unfuckables just how wrong and screwed up they are. So to add to the societal messages (and actual lived experience) on we being too ugly for dick, now we get a train of finger wagging on how we are screwed up

I love you Sarah. I’m pretty self-confident appearance wise, but I have an anxiety disorder. The comment here that basically you should just be self confident remind of exert one how tells me to just stop worrying.

Love is all about luck and fuck the emotional bootstrappers who think they have some how made themselves more worthy of love/lust/quality dick. I’ve seen you’re comments, sorry dating has been so hard I feel you.

seriously. If you’re with someone who wants to get married and you keep them in a holding pattern for 8+ years, that’s just cruel.

I would guess poorly. You dated her for 18 years and didn’t get married, but are now engaged to someone you’ve been dating for 7 months. :/

That’s what happens when you value quantity over quality.

Naomi Wolf wrote an article for New York mag a while back complaining that women used to have a lot more power over men, but Internet porn destroyed that because many men now prefer porn to women. Seems like Ms Bushnell is complaining about the same thing.

THANK YOU. I hate the “be confident in yourself and men will fall at your feet!” line of thinking. 1) It’s not that easy, because men (shockingly) do not act as a monolith. 2) It’s telling everyone who’s not confident in themselves that it’s THEIR fault they’re single/not constantly attracting men. Confidence is not a

Yeah, I find this talk...not especially helpful. And that it tends to perpetuate the idea that sex and dating are easy for women and any woman could get laid at the drop of a hat, which isn’t true and along with alienating women for whom that isn’t easy paints men with that same stupid broad “all men want it all the

I mean, so the point that confidence is good is a good point. HOWEVER, this comment comes pretty close to blaming that girl for her own lack of relationships, which is pretty unfair.

If she had other issues then something like that might have tipped her over the edge.

Thank you for this. I know everyone is trying to be supportive with stories of how their confidence made them attractive. But honestly, this entire thing is just fucking depressing. It may be the weight, it may not be. It may be the confidence, it may not be. But the entire thing reads to someone who is overweight and

So according to these comments ‘catching a dick’ isn't something to brag about because men will fuck anyone. This is not true. At all. And this idea really screwed up my self esteem in high school and college. I honestly thought I was the only woman on the planet who couldn’t get laid.

My husband died suddenly six months ago, so I unfortunately relate so much to what she wrote. And I feel so sad for her knowing what she’ll be going through in the months ahead, since frankly things get worse before they get better.

“No such thing is possible. In the Talmud, in the Jewish tradition, it says when that part of the male anatomy is aroused and there’s an erection, the brain flies out of that and we have to take that very seriously, so I don’t agree with that.”

“Women make decisions based on their emotions”.