
Jezzies, I have decided to FINALLY quit my job. I’ve been working for this org since I moved to TN (4 years ago). In that time I’ve been promoted twice and have gotten to do really amazing things, like present at national conferences and other cool speaking engagements, start my own programs from the ground up, and

“I’ve noticed overweight women I’ve known to usually have much easier times attracting the opposite sex than overweight men”

Statistics disagree with you.

It’s really sad cos I’m a high school drop out attempting to teach myself algebra and even I knew that from what I’m pretty sure was some middle school level stuff on khan academy. I also have taken some college science and social science classes, but really I don’t even know how to define statistics but I knew that

Yeah, um, that’s a large enough sample to be statistically significant.

You kind of sucked a lot. You blame him for acting like a baby/not respecting your feelings?? YOU weren’t respecting your feelings! Break-ups suck, but that doesn’t mean you get to bring people into your crazy and use them for a rebound. Imagine if a guy treated you like that??? He would be demonized! The biggest

I know I kind of hurt his feelings and made him feel very unsexy, but the truth is, while I was attracted to him the sex was kind of not good and I don’t think I want to do it again

I honestly can’t believe you have so many people telling you that you did the right thing. Although the fact that someone telling you that you were out of line has so many stars is somewhat reassuring. Perhaps one reason you are so desperate for validation right now is because on some level you know you didn’t.

No offense to you, but you seems more like the drama queen here than the dude. While it was shitty for him to physically express his disappointment with the whole situation. Which made you feel bad; you have to admit that you were sending mixed messages to him at his emotional expense.

Honestly, he was pretty much as good a sport in this circumstance as someone can be. It doesn’t sound like he felt entitled to have sex with you. As you say he was confused by your sudden rejection and obviously bothered that your feelings for your ex were so strong (because he kept asking if you were really over it

Honestly, I want to be on your side here, but what you describe is making it difficult. I dont get the impression he was guilting you or causing drama over the sex. I got the impression that he probably was feeling inadequate because a person he thought was into him wanted to stop mid sex and was probably looking for

I thought I was going to get this resounding, “It’s your body!” and “what a nice guy (tm)“ consensus from the jezebel crowd, but I guess there are two sides to the story.

Oy vey. First off, I’m sorry you had a breakup, that sucks and there’s never a good time for that or an easy way to move on. It just takes time.

I’m sorry to say this, but I don’t think he overreacted at all. You clearly weren’t intentionally leading him on or anything, but you must have confused the hell out of him. First you want to fuck him, then you don’t, then you really want to fuck him and ask him to go out to buy condoms, and then you tell him you

I feel bad for the guy. You played hot and cold because you weren’t ready, and none of that was fair to him. You’re in the wrong.

You had every right to change your mind, and you did. But your story gave me whiplash, so I can imagine a little how he felt. You both dodged a bullet. Chalk it up to experience.

Such smugness. They really like to break out the “enjoy it, man, because when you’ve got a wife and two kids running around you will miss it.” Oh fuck no I will not. People told me I would miss high school and I don’t. People told me I would miss college and, eh, maybe a little sometimes, but there’s a reason why I

Oh thank God for you! This article was killing me, and the comments section is FULL of, “I’m the kind of person who...”

Isn’t another way to look at this like.... “Actually try being the person you think you are.” I get that it is way easier to take if you look at this like people are misunderstanding you, and you just need to be better at projecting things.

People seem to like me, wish I could see myself in a more positive way. I actually present as confident and fun, but that is mostly down to psychiatric meds and a background in the theatre.