
““Day-to-day life is unbearably stressful, as Emma and her mattress parade around campus each and every day,”

it seams that ANYthing a man does can be seen as unwanted sexual attention.

My brother and sister are 20 years my senior (parents are in their mid sixties) which made for an interesting dynamic “blossoming” around my brothers then 30 year old friends.

Are these 1000 random women, including women who are also fat, also distributed as average, successful and failures? (I think it is hilarious that you don’t acknowledge that guys like you don’t even think women who don’t look like models even count as women.)


There IS a reason why they don’t require you to learn:

THANK YOU! These balding, beer bellied guys who don’t take care of themselves all of a sudden feel like settling down and feel entitled to a PYT. Like, ummmm no, your ship has sailed. ALSO:People always say to me, “Gasp, you don’t look your age!!” (I’m 29) O, I’m sorry were you expecting some shriveled hag with no

I started reading her book and I’m crying. Thank you for recommending it!

Men are never asked to lower their standards though. They truly think they are entitled to some smoking hot young woman without bringing anything to the table other than a dick.

The only thing more annoying than people who go all #notallmen on you every time you try to talk about your experiences are the people who go all #nomenarelikethatitmustbeyourfault.

Her book was so refreshing, it totally helped me not need to talk with friends anymore about being single and call out, if even just mentally, the bs that I am the problem. :)

Amen! I definitely take note when a guy has his age preferences set way low. The ones who really bug me are the ones who won’t even date a woman their own age! It’s a huge entitlement complex and double standard. I can only imagine the crap I’d get if I set my age preference much, much lower. Hell, I dated a guy six

You shouldn’t have gotten married, then. Some of us love to smoke and drink and have a good time, but you guys don’t take us seriously, then you bitch and moan and try to reel us in for affairs when SHOCKINGLY the woman you married is a bummer after the perils of marriage and pregnancy. No thanks.

Right?!? You would think not having an ex-husband or kids would be an asset, not a liability! I’m perfectly okay if a guy has kids, but if we both had kids I feel like that would be a logistical nightmare when planning a date. It’s just really weird.

Guys ghosting will never be okay. I don’t care if your family was in a bus explosion, you don’t do that.

Bookmarked, thanks!

Wow. That’s actually a very unique story. I think it’s great that you’re doing this, but there is still a bit of a risk maybe? When she leaves. I was a lot like you. Barely dated, if at all. It was a way to protect myself because I saw all the women in my life go through life ruining relationships and it scared me

This! It’s so irritating when coupled people start advising about being single.

No, not at all. I think it’s always better to be the person who seeks for meaning in things, and who cherishes beautiful experiences and is able to feel nostalgic about them, than to be the person who goes through people like they’re new pairs of socks and moves on emotion-free. I’d rather have experiences that stand

I’ve been in this situation before. To open up to someone like you never did before in your entire life, only to suddenly have the door slammed in your face... metaphorically speaking. It leaves you speechless and ashamed. And then something inside of you says “See? I told you to be carefull. You knew this was going