
The Muslim faith is not a corporate structure like Catholicism is. There is no head of the Muslim faith, there is no equivalent to the Vatican, no equivalent to a bishop's authority, no equivalent to the hierarchy. And Islam is more akin to Christianity than to Catholicism. As there are many varieties of


Right, if we get rejected it's because there's something wrong with us as a woman. If a dude gets rejected, it's also because there's something wrong with the woman.

Honestly, I don't think you're engaging in good faith. I've read the responses in this thread and this has been answered. But, yeah, that's it. Women are born saints. Or something.

and yet both Madonna and Robin Wright were married to the same man. Hmmm. Apparently it is Sean Penn that makes woman say "fuck it, life's not worth this bullshit, I just want to enjoy my life."

If a man is caught in the act of raping a young woman who is not engaged, he must pay fifty pieces of silver to her father. Then he must marry the young woman because he violated her, and he will never be allowed to divorce her.

Wellll, we always hear about 'rejected men' because, to the best of my knowledge, rejected women don't tend to write seething web manifestoes and stock up on guns and go on killing-sprees at gyms or schools to preemptively get revenge on all the men she never tried to talk to but that she's sure would've rejected her.

Why all the resentment and hate for Madonna? I mean is she camped out in your living room demanding s'mores and PYTs? No? Then, like, I don't get your deal.

Everything she says there, incidentally, is true. She's also being polite in not describing what 45+ dating men are like. Every time I get wistful and lonely I go

Say what you will about Madonna being an insufferable attention-hungry inconsiderate and self obsessed moron, bitch is living her best life.

Choreplay is the idea that you can get a man to do more around the house by gifting him a little 'tang for his trouble


"Yeah, I think the fact that when he found out they didn't just call it quits and they found a way to make it work for both of them was particularly beautiful."

I'm fine with the arrangement this couple has worked out, whatever works for you. But I'm guessing a lot of the men she sleeps with don't have similar arrangements with their wives, and their wives would be devastated by this. I can't imagine my partner sleeping with someone else because I had cancer, or depression,

I've given up on love and have been getting a lot of crap lately for doing so. Then I see this and I'm like "so this would be my eventual reward for following everyone's shitty advice, assuming I even could get a man at age 40 when I never did before? Yeah, fuck off."

I know a lady who beat cancer and promptly left her husband. She decided she just didn't have to put up with his junk. She said, "If I can beat cancer, I can do anything!" She was so much happier.

It's even more immediate than Karraker thinks. I was ill and dumped my ex because he was a negative presence. I needed him to get away from me so I could heal. And when I say negative presence, what I mean is, not only was he not good at taking care of me, but he was so stressed out by my situation that he was

Right!? My first thought is that these husbands aren't getting their oh-so-important (and uncontrollable *eye roll*) male sexual needs met so they reach out for extra "comfort" and support. When confronted, they throw a pity party for themselves saying they were only doing it so they could stay strong for "You,

While the study is drawn from data that doesn't specify whether it was the husband or wife who initiated the divorce in these cases, Karraker suggests that divorces coinciding with a wife's illness could actually be a matter of the ill wife wanting to cut the cord due to dissatisfaction with her husband's ability (or

Look up Lorna Wendt. Billionaires don't become billionaires by going home and doing laundry and frantically whipping up dinner for 50 of their coolest mogul friends. They have wives for this, who also soothe their fevered brows late at night, raise their children, put well-placed words in the right ears, consult,

Why are you still following him on social media? That's just asking for pain.