
Just when I was getting used to the fact that no one cared about my stupid boner.

Ok, I'm going to regret this, but here's the deal: If you're that insecure about your masculinity that you need the writer to add some empty caveat that "Ok, not ALL guys are like this, but..." then you need to re-examine yourself. I too am an older guy. I'm married. I have a seven-year-old daughter. And I can say,

Thanks for proving that men are terrible people. I'm also glad I'm a man because I wouldn't want to end up with someone like you.

There is a lot of anger towards men for good reason you know, right? If you are not one of the ones we are talking about then like, calm down. We are not talking about you.

Remember that next time the guys in a staff meeting start making comments about the women in the office. If we don't speak up against those guys, we're no better.

Men are terrible. I'm glad I'm a guy, because if I was a woman I'd never ever date. Ever. It blows my mind that any woman would want anything to do with us.

This point of view is practically universal. The only thing that changes is how likely they are to admit it.

Teen girls are psychopaths? Ever pick up a newspaper? Can't recall the last time a girl shot up her school or movie theater. Or gang raped a boy at a football party?

Ok. It's just that this whole "I'm so glad I'm having a boy instead of a girl because girls are sooooo hard and they will all want sparkles and princess clothes and you have to worry about every dick in the world, heeheehee!" shit is really bothering me. It's offensive. Your stuff might have been tongue in cheek but

Saying that girls turn into psychopaths upon puberty is really, really offensive, as is most of this thread, which is rife with stereotypes.

Poor people are perennially punished in America. Politicians get elected by promising to further dis-empower and disenfranchise them because so many Americans are too denial-filled to recognize that they themselves are one step away from being just as poor. They've been brainwashed to believe that they're somehow

Also known as:

I usually love stories like this but something about the slick editing makes my skin crawl. Like the entire thing was scripted to go viral. Puke.

She noted, just a little acidly, that "we don't talk about whether or not men can have it all. Because they can."

I completely get what you're saying in theory, and I would never advocate for the butthurt griping about the mismatched "worth" of some couples, but you HAVE to admit, the disparity between Dev and Frieda was jaw-dropping. I was like, WHOA WHOA WHOA when I first heard they were dating. Again, that doesn't mean

Or perhaps men are just more prone to mistake obsession/extreme lust for love. I know of at least one guy who claims a chick was "the love of his life" despite the fact that by all accounts all they were was weird and obsessive and horrible to one another.

I love Strangers with Candy.

Everyone is being pretty polite here and while I understand you feel attacked, I need you to understand something. It will help in every interaction you have in the future on kinja:

Now would probably be a good time for you to step away from this conversation.

I have read the thread, and- you're not going to like this- I have to say that the responses that I found the most shocking were yours. You say you were backed into a corner, that you went on the defensive- does that absolve you?