Agreed. As a facebook friend said this morning, I don't need a bunch of puppy mill supporters to tell me that beagles are awesome.
Agreed. As a facebook friend said this morning, I don't need a bunch of puppy mill supporters to tell me that beagles are awesome.
Whatever. Fuck these people and their fucking gadgets. I'm not here to throw shade on you if fitness isn't your thing. So move along if you watch HoC while eating a tub of tres leches cake. Life is short, I'm glad you found your way to forget we are all headed to the grave.
The statistics that you've probably read that indicate women get custody most of the time includes uncontested cases where the parties agree on custody. In cases that are actually litigated, fathers are much more likely to win.
So, I broke up with The Boy a few weeks ago. I've been mostly fine— I am really busy and have a ton of stuff going on and, frankly, I think the break up was long overdue. Despite the breakup and the impending date-less Valentine's Day (I'm supposed to be upset about be alone on V-Day, right? Every Rom Com ever has…
Ok you guys, so...
Good evening, Jezzies! I hope everyone is having a great weekend.
No one wants your fucking kids, people. No one.
These fucking people. The overwhelming majority of kids who go missing are abducted by family members, particularly non-custodial parents. But great job steering into the skid on those stats and teaching your kid that they can't trust anyone, especially the people they are supposed to be able to trust the most.
Honestly? Neither one of us has ever been 'lucky in love' and I think we both put up with one anothers flaws well. He has some issues that make him 'undateable' to most women, and I have some issues that make me 'undateable' to most men. So, blammo. Not exactly a sweep-you-off-your-feet love story, but it is what…
Makes sense. Good sex generally involves getting out of your head, so it makes sense that the extremely stupid would be best at it
If you can't communicate with words, you're not getting any. I don't think adults who use emojis constantly are cute, and if a dude were to do that I would immediately lose interest. Fortunately yilinanyou knows better. I'm sorry you got an eggplant response to a romantic text.
I think there needs to be more of this kind of thing in our Congress. All of the money wasting showboating to please ignorant and hateful constituents needs to be called out. And is that an MD I see after Burgess's name? Ugh. Fuck Austin, I'm getting the shit out of TX as soon as I can.
ETA: But I'm not going to FL!
Meh. I'm a woman who has asked out I don't even know how many men, both online and IRL and so far only 3 have said yes, 1 of those gave me a wrong number, had 1 date with another and the last one stood me up. It seems to me that if a woman asks a guy out, he just assumes she's easy and DTF and won't actually…
Sometimes I look at men while waiting for the train and just you not worry about your body? The way you hold yourself makes it look like you don't give a shit. You have a little pudge and you're not even trying to hide it. You don't care. Because you know no else does. What does that FEEL like? What is it…
I related to this so hard. Especially the part about wanting to be effortlessly thin - being able to just be a cool girl who doesn't have to obsess over calories or exercising and blah blah blah.
I agree. The problem isn't so much the WAY you end up meeting a person, it's the people that are the issue.
Great piece. I often wonder what it would be like to not think about my weight or my skin or what I look like generally for just one day. Or even ten minutes really. I can only imagine it would be the most freeing feeling in the world. I say this after spending the first 26 years of my life obsessing about what it…
God forbid we not give a fuck about one man, what terrible people! We should care so much more about the men attacked by women. Forget that happens with much less frequency, and that men have been in power since the dawn of time, and men attack women like this on a daily basis, and that he actually was having sex with…
how is requiring them to post a sign saying that their employees don't wash their hands any less intrusive than requiring their employees to wash their hands?