
You're giving a master class is demonstrating "the myriad ways a man can refuse to listen and still mansplain" - thank you, I will refer back to this as a perfect example of that awesome combo.

I feel so badly for those men that think that they have so little self-control, are so un-intelligent and animalistic, that they are only capable of seeing a woman's body and "reacting to it." They have no self-control. They just simply cannot help it.

That's actually the only way this fuckwit will ever find enlightenment.

Y'all...I in the world are people defending the actions of these guys??? I can't fathom it.

One point I think is worth while to bring up to the trolls, has cat calling ever worked? Has any woman ever been like 'hell yes!' after receiving a cat call? No. So then what is the point?

Men get very angry when you challenge their entitlement to do whatever the fuck they want.

Ok, well I'm not a BDSM practitioner and will openly admit my ignorance of the "kink" culture. That said, I feel like I can understand why the female domme/male sub dynamic could be enticing. The whole role-reversal thing could be "edgy" for both partners. I would assume that most male subs are not truly scared of

oh god, enough already from you self-proclaimed kink experts and etymologists! Kink was never an adjective. Kinky, yes. But kink is and always has been a noun (and a verb in nonsexual usage). The Will & Grace reference is hilarious because it's how "kinksters" sound when spouting off on "Kink 101" to people who have

"Some men like that" is so backhanded too! I've had male friends say that to me before when the context was explicitly "I'm feeling bad about XYZ thing about myself and it makes me feel unattractive to the people I'm attracted to". "Some men like that" might as well be the equivalent of Tobias Funke shouting "THERE

I also have physical attributes that some men fetishize, and it's incredibly depressing that they don't realize how dehumanizing it is to be described in those terms. Actually, in general, a dude just lying there describing you fucking sucks. Stop doing that, weirdos. We don't actually like feeling like we live in a

As a fat woman, I cannot get behind this term, because it always seems so porn specific. Any man who calls me a BBW makes me feel immediately fetishized, and it's not good, even if it does mean that they totes want to bone me...because I just feel like a mere body there to fulfill the things they've fantasized about.

So ready for dudes to realize that "Hey ladies, I'd fuck you!" is not actually the panacea they think it is.

Yyyyyyeeeaaahhh... it rather IS about gender. Specifically how we're socialized to interact. Girls are encouraged "to be" and boys "to do", that boys are "active" and girls "reactive" which is one reason why we don't see women doing this. It's against social conditioning, and it's so ingrained that no one... NO one

I cannot express how little I care about your self-esteem. We all know it's in good working order, you barged in with your question and made at all about you.

I was reluctant to share this story here, but I think it's important.

And this?

"But—but—how will I ever get laid if I don't approach strange women on the streets?!"

Where do you hear this, exactly? In your own shitty head? I have literally never in my fucking life heard a woman complain that she wasn't street harassed. And catcalling isn't conversation, it's harassment. That's not how relationships start, it's how men let women know they're being watched.

Jian Ghomeshi is a creepy abuser who is using "kink" as a cover-up for his terrible behavior, but what continually bothers me about pieces like this where an experienced "kinkster" (and, lordy, how that word makes me cringe) proselytizing about the "rules" of kink and the "right way" to beat the shit out of your

You make kink sound boring.