
I love you for saying this. Look, this Ghomeshi guy is surely a creep and probably a rapist, but for the love of pete, I don't need to hear the phrase "experienced kinkster and professional dominatrix" twice in as many paragraphs. (And "kinkster"? Really?)

I call such bullshit on the younger=hotter thing. Because I have had so many experiences of men meeting me, hitting on me all night, introducing me to their friends, asking for my number, setting up plans...and then asking my age, hearing me say 29/32/35 when they expected 17/24/28, and then backing away saying "Oh.

Hi, fellow woman in her 20's here.

It makes a difference in the argument that men have the same reasons to fear women that women have to fear men if the women in these examples are consistently committing crimes with male partners. Men do have to be wary online, but unless another man is secretly waiting for them for some reason, they have orders of

Yes, men are also vulnerable to assault from other men. In the cases you named, the victims were tricked into believing they were dealing with a woman and only a woman, and a man showed up unexpectedly. That doesn't mean that the women are not also culpable for the assaults, but it does mean the situations aren't

I'm happily married now, but I was in a long-term relationship with a man who was very much like this. I'm not crazy about her terminology here, but being in a relationship with someone who is completely passive about all decision making can be frustrating and difficult, even amongst friends and family members.

Calling it: Frustrated Housewife is actually a PUA believer who wrote in hoping for validation of his belief that women who want equality in relationships are actually pushing against thier natural urges, that what they all really want deep down is the kind of in-charge macho man that he tries so unsuccessfully to

Dude. Dude. I've given SO MANY dudes my number over the years (before meeting my husband). Some of them have texted/called me out of it, and some of those led to sexy fun times. Others have gone nowhere, but I imagine I made those dudes' days by paying them the compliment. Just do it! :)

This probably isn't your style, but I asked my now-husband out for a drink by giving him some X-rated Severus Snape fanfiction (written by me, obvs) and a post-it with my number on it. For the record, we had previous discussed a mutual love of the Harry Potter books, and I don't generally recommend fanfiction as a

Being a dork can work for you!

I'd definitely recommend having a conversation first, like a couple other commenters said. It might be kind of awkward to just randomly hand him your number, ya know? If you talk to him about wanting to hang out outside of the class, you can kind of feel him out and figure out if he's interested or not.


Fuck sports. Fuck them. Im sorry, sports-loving Jezzies. But I have no desire to put on my Cool Girl face and pretend to love them. Playing them can be okay. But the watching and the fandom? Boring as all hell and completely ridiculous and inexplicable.

Maybe just start a quick conversation with him right after class, and if he seems interested in talking to you offer your number so you can talk later?

Just ask him if he'd like to meet you again sometime after the class is over, and see what see says. You won't forgive yourself if you don't try, and the worst that can happen is that he'll say no.

Ooh the non talkative part does not mean no interest!! Some people (including me) just aren't talkative which makes it so hard to flirt with.

"Hey, I'd love to get a coffee sometime if you're interested. Here's my number. Get in touch if you're into it."

Yes! I like that idea. Giving him your number on your way out doesn't put pressure on him, especially since it's the last class. If he calls or texts then that's awesome. Good luck!

I'm sorry your friend had to go. As much as it hurts just remember that you shared some great times together. I don't regret one single moment of the time and money I have given to my animal friends. They have taught me a great many things. But I know how much it hurts when they have to leave. Keep adopting, keep

Wednesday, we had to take in our oldest sheltie to be put to sleep. He was approx. 16, blind, deaf, wobbly, and – as of this week – incontinent. Up until recently, he still seemed to be digging his comfy life.