
A little boy refusing to hug anyone except those specific people he picks wouldn't raise any negative comments. A little girl doing the exact same thing - selecting those she wants to show affection to, and refusing to let anyone she doesn't choose touch her - quickly draws comments of "but won't she be socially

Ummm, did you miss the part where this article's author, and many other people, were molested as children and didn't realize there was anything wrong with it because they were taught they couldn't say no when an adult touches them? These things are all related and one leads to the other. Obviously Grandma forcing a

The idea is "other people's desire to touch you matters more than your desire not to be touched". Certainly sounds like rape culture to me.

In a world where women are told in so many different ways to put the comfort of others before their own, your daughter is fortunate to have you and your willingness to wade through the discomfort so she may honor her autonomy.

If you will allow me to get very, very real for a minute: this hysteria over basic is really just a bunch of privileged white girls caring too much about what other people think.

God I hate shit like this. Someone upthread posted something gloaty about how "everyone thought I was crazy" when s/he moved to a different country after a month of online interaction.

I hope these two have wonderful IG babies and live happily IG after. If only because the alternative would be so sad. Hashtag I Give It 6 Months.

Do y'all ever feel like there's this extra-special type of hatred for fat women that only a fat man can pull off? I'm not sure if it's my perception or reality but I feel like there's a certain type of fat man who takes his insecurity about his weight out on fat women. Like, "Yeah, I may be fat, but at least I'm not

Bleaching red flags white.

Thanks for your kind words. I'm sorry you're feeling this way as well. I have finally, finally, accepted that I'm just not reaching out anymore. Still ashamed of myself, but I'm hoping that one day she will realize that I just loved her very much and maybe it will seem like a compliment to her that I fought so hard

No one will see this because I'm still in the grey, but I've been waiting for this all day. I mostly just want to vent about this anyway.

Has anyone noticed that going through a break up is like taking a crazy pill? I recently went through one that was a little brutal and essentially had to find my own closure—no conversations after it happened. I'm facepalming thinking about how many emails I sent trying to get the ex back, even after I was told to

Hey Jude

Thanks for recognizing their really amazing work on this topic. Here's an even better link to their series "Till Death Do Us Part"

We might be expected to be "above" judging men on their penis size, but it's difficult not to do so. My biggest complaint is that some men who are seriously overweight end up trying to sex me with a penis buried in 5" of pelvic fat. Trying to find it is difficult and trying to feel it with all the fat in the way is

Wow! I've seen rude comments on here before, but they usually don't start with "Pardon me". Well done. Thanks for being so polite. ;)

I think it's okay to have a preference for dicks that are not small and further I don't really give a rat's what your penis thinks about small boobs or the fact that this was posted on Jez and there is no counterpart about gaping vaginas. Women are told by everyone and their mother both directly and indirectly that

Is it the same? Every single internet discussion about small boobs I see is immediately overrun by gentlemen from the "Itty Bitty Titty Committee" (yes they use that vomitaceous phrase) who want to make it absolutely, unmistakably, douchetastically clear that their boners are way into small breasts.