I'm a man, let me take a crack at this. You should be:
I'm a man, let me take a crack at this. You should be:
We don't need to ask. They'll be here in a few minutes to tell us.
This is why we need feminism. For exactly this reason.
Uh, yeah, I'm well aware that life isn't a Disney movie. And no offense, but I really hate when people suggest other, completely non-related things to fix what someone perceives as a problem or a deficit. I have a job I love, and friends and family I love, but they're not the same as having a relationship with a man I…
It's been a month since he told me he wanted to separate. Tonight my husband finally moved out. I know my marriage is over but tonight is still really hard. Ugh. I've never wanted someone to go so badly while also wanting them to stay.
That's completely unacceptable. You need a guy who would crawl over broken glass for you, not one who's only into it if you come to him and make all the effort. He's showing you who he is so believe him.
I got in the face of a guy who grabbed my ass at my favorite restaurant this weekend. He's nine inches taller than me and I now understand why my partner says it's terrifying when I'm angry. All I did was whip around and say excuse me, and he cowered, as did the guys on either side of him. He fucking cowered. I'm…
I recently broke up with my boyfriend - we were living together and an engagement was imminent but deep down in my gut I knew we weren't right for each other. I am glad we broke up, I only wish I had listened to my instinct and done it sooner. I have no residual sadness or emotion for him or us. What I am unable to…
And I'm sure Belles breeder/mommy is completely ethical and working within breed standards to breed healthy pups rather than repeatedly breeding dogs for size with no regard for the overall health of the pups, right?
Sorry, this is long, there are two break ups and they're not really bonkers or funny, but I just wanted to write them down.
This is why I roll my eyes at guys who proudly explain that men get tricked into marriage because women want marriage but men don't. I got into a you tube argument with a guy who said only women want marriage-guys like that just say that in order to win cool points with other dudes. "Yeah, dude! I ain't gonna be tied…
It really should have gone this way:
I personally, and I can't stress enough that this is only my personal outlook, have told my daughter that monsters are real and they look a lot like boys, both adult and non. I don't want to frighten her, but I feel like she's gotta know. But then again, she's seven, not four.
Tinder is where I met my rapist. My cousin and I met up with him and a friend of his. Safety in numbers right? We went back to my place where we decided to go into my room to talk one thing lead to another and I consented to protected sex. He out right refused to wear a condom. I tried to leave and he pulled me down…
I once got into an argument with some dude on here who simultaneously thought that women should 'take responsibility' and not get drunk at frat parties, but that it was bigoted and misandrist to assume that they might be in danger from men (and doing things like giving out a fake phone number). Obviously, women are…
I got the impression that her objection is the false emotional detachment, not the pursuit of traditionally male pasttimes. My wife likes that stuff too, but nobody is getting to treat her as "just one of the guys", because she won't sit silent through that type of misogynistic talk.
Are you really dropping some #NotAllMen bullshit around here while women are dying for just being women?? In a second article within an hour span from the first one about a woman rejecting man's advances and getting punished by violence and death because of it. Just stop.
My friend told me about a woman comedian she saw once who had a bit about "chill" girls in her show. About how guys just want a girl who's "chill," just so "chill," meaning laid back, doesn't diet or wear makeup, and hangs with his friends... although at the same time must be forgiving of everything, still skinny and…
Remember, the dismiss option is your friend when it comes to the tsunami of dudely angst that just doesn't get why we're leery of strangers.
This is right on the money. I very much used to be (or try to be) a Cool Girl. Looking back on it now, I did it for two reasons: 1) to distinguish myself from other, "less cool" girls, whom I found pathetic and irritating for needing things, and 2) because I was desperate for male attention.