
Dax is........ kidding?

He does know that there are jobs that don't happen in offices?

Oh, FFS. She couldn’t even go all in and do actual blackface?

Virginia too. The DC suburbs are entirely different from the rest of the state.

A very small consolation that her widow will be treated as a surviving spouse. My heart goes out to her & their son.

Laughed out loud at finders keepers

Avenue is sometimes okay and you can find pretty good coupon codes online. The bras and shoes are weird though.

Dress Barn is generally good. Although the asymmetrical hems and fucking fringe and other ridiculous embellishments are killing me right now.

Are you me?

35, working full time in a good job, and my dad pays my car insurance and helps with my student loans. Not embarrassed enough to ask him to stop.

I make my donations in honor of assorted anti-choice politicians. they’re probably not even aware but it sure is satisfying.

Virginia has a revenue-sharing license plate. In the alphabetical list, it’s listed as “Trust Women.”

Fucking troll. Try harder.

He’s a libertarian. You can have him.

How would you accurately describe the level of intellectual disability?

Cost. Portability. Alternative access methods. The only show that I’d like to watch but can’t is Jeopardy. I can get everything else online.

I have an idea that The View used to be a panel of smart women talking about important issues. Was that just wishful thinking?

This adds to the racist notion that “those” young black men could be successful if they wanted to be.