
Im not going to argue with you, I will just point out one thing. Contact tracing apps have 0 effect on disease spread, all they do is keep track of who you might have exposed (after exposure has taken place). The mask on the other hand has a greater than 0 chance to potentially block some of the virus particles that

You’re making fun of him, but that $20 would go a long way towards paying his taxes.

Please vote early and in person if it’s safe for you to do so. These thugs will stop at nothing to disenfranchise us.

Note to white folks in 2020: We are not you all in 2016. If you come for her you will pay. Maybe if white women reacted like that in 2016 we wouldn’t be in this mess. For real we are not fucking around with you this time. One more time, as we say in the D9 Y’ALL GONNA LEARN TODAY!!!!!!!!!!!!

They shouldn’t have taken shit down. 

First of all, since the fuck when is an open door cause for 5-0 to be all up in yoiur house, peeping in and shooting from outside like they don’t have any goddamn sense?

Keep an eye/ear out on the language as this story progresses. “Young Women” “Underage girls” “Young girls” are all code word for “children”.

After a series of escalations, the punchline of every prank is apparently “Actually, you are still unemployed.”

Because this was the high price to attain even the hope for a future?! Schools are expensive where she lives and she can’t move. Rent is expensive but she doesn’t want to move where she has to learn everything anew while studying. Because she researched her loan payments were workable with the salary she would earn.

Crystle Galloway, were told they couldn’t afford the ambulance ride because they didn’t have insurance.

“Calling the police is the epitome of escalation, and calling the police on black people for noncrimes is a step away from asking for a tax-funded beatdown, if not an execution.”

2 out of three nurses I personally know are racist, however not all nurses are racist.

Echoing what @Raineyb said, the city shares culpability for a lack of preparedness to deal with the violence.

Legally he is on thin ice, as he might be sued for child support. I am not saying he wouldn’t win, but he could be on the hook for years, regardless of the merit of the cases. Is it wrong for me to suspect that many of the beneficiaries of his generosity are also beneficiaries of State benefits? It could

How shitty is human evolution that we evolved to be felled by standing in such a way? lol

Piper suuuucks. Character development in the secondary characters (who become primary characters) starts in Season 2 and it becomes much less Piper-centric.

well i liked it. a little snuff-filmy, but Uzo was amazing.

What about Ben Affleck? Did we ever figure out if that was a real back tattoo?

Shut up Candace. You’re as homophobic as they come. You’re just smart enough to realize that shit won’t fly in 2017.

I shower a different amount of times than everyone else here, and I think we should fight to the death about it.