Delivering pizza, I had a lady, Eastern European was my guess, give me 4 nickels. I'm not sure what was happening there.
Delivering pizza, I had a lady, Eastern European was my guess, give me 4 nickels. I'm not sure what was happening there.
My dog threw up on my hand today. Am I one of the cool kids yet?
I may have spent real money on Facebook games. Glad it's not just me. :-)
And, Jesus, talk about pain and suffering. Burns are the most brutal injuries to recover from. She'll need treatments and skin grafts forever.
One fresh tennis ball makes my dog out of her mind happy. She would probably have a stroke if I gave her 100
I loved road trips as a kid. But I did spend a lot of time playing my mom's "Count the license plates" game.
I want some healing after this season.
More Pop Tarts for me
Oily diarrhea with a side of oily farts
These are all reasons why the 90s were the best fashion decade.
15 years of involvement, to me, makes me unlikely to have any faith in this woman's ability to effectively parent her kids. Of course she didn't deserve to die in a jail cell and probably didn't even deserve jail.
We do not know whether she was even making an effort to try to get her kids to go to school, or even actively letting them stay home.
It's possible that she was keeping the older kids home to watch the younger kids. I've seen that happen.
Bought a big Costco pack of the men's kind thinking I was beating the system and it didn't go well. I ended up giving them to my cousin.
Could it have been hacked though? And by "hacked" I mean, could someone have guessed her stupid-obvious password?
I once got a sunburn being in the garage for an hour
Adoption from foster care is an extremely laborious, intrusive, demeaning process. The people that survive it are fucking saints.
Or pants. She should wear pants in windy situations.
All I can think of is what assholes 12 year old boys are. There's a really, really good chance that one might see a new and inventive way to taunt other kids.
Are they like asparagus, that some people can't smell them? Because I have a great sense of smell but I've never smelled one of them. I've killed quite a few, although I usually try to flush them down the toilet without crushing them just in case.