
elevation, isolation, sway motion to defeat anti-idle, obfuscation in the mess of branches, “turf”, proximity to the property with the “ideal” co-ordinates.

When that fails, it will become a pull wagon full of phones, or a carousel of phones slowly spinning inside a box truck parked adjacent to the dispatch location.


THFT, with and umlaut somewhere, for extra disruption.

The intended system: Drivers turn on phone GPS, Amazon tells the nearest GPS signal a delivery is ready, driver accepts and gets paid for delivery.

We refer to it as “The Night of 1000 Waterfalls” when we do the prep.

Yeah, horrifying. I would personally not get a vaccine released two days before the election by Trump’s government. Good luck to anyone who goes for it.

As I said elsewhere, this is the most unbelievable part of the story: No one gave him up. That has to be the most trustworthy inner circle in the history of Hollywood.

It could be any combination of doctors trying to be overly optimistic, to family members deliberately shielding him from the truth (or just being overly optimistic), to Boseman himself being overly optimistic or straight up in denial. (A lot of highly successful people are super optimistic about the future and think

Boseman apparently sincerely believed that he’d beat the cancer - the turn for the worse was very sudden, which is when the email was sent to Feige - and he had absolutely no reason to do Disney wrong And The Hollywood Reporter reported that big studios rarely require medical exams or completion bonds. They quote an

I was there when Uncanny Valley opened for Thomas Dolby.

I got nuthin. That first letter was a harsh read. Fuck the sanctity of marriage.

LW#1 is being emotionally controlled, gaslit and set up. That is straight up abuse and she needs to get out like yesterday.

Hard disagree on letter #1. The husband is controlling, and quite possibly still abusive or borderline abusive, even if he’s not choking the LW (It’s hard to tell without more information.). I’m guessing that a guy like that will find out if the LW sexts with/ meets/ has an affair with another man (The incident with

Wonder what his Kinja handle was?

I knew I had made it when I had a car that I did not have to wonder if it would start in the morning.

36. Privacy

My guess is that when you’re sitting at home combing through secondhand accounts of other peoples’ internet activities so you can write a thirdhand clickbait article about it, literally anything else looks like a great job by comparison.

like I always say about the GOP--as long as there are angry, stupid, reactionary, racist, hilariously un-self-aware, unjustifiably entitled people who fetishize guns and see book learning as a badge of shame, the heart of the GOP will remain alive and well, and we all know these traits aren’t dying out in this century


you raise another great point—at this point, what is the value of the GOP brand? You have the Trumpists clinging to it, heck the GOP basically vowed total and forever loyalty to General Zod (sorry, Trump), which was not at all creepy or fascistic, and then you have the Lincoln Project types who are trying to “restore”

They vote in an equally limp-dicked, gas bag for president.