
I am glad you said it out loud. I didn’t want to.

There was a wise man that said: Everything Trump touches dies. If you want me to feel any sympathy, no I don’t. I do find it ironic that of all the people that were and remain in Trump’s orbit that caught this virus the one that died was black. God either has a real twisted sense of humor or the adage “all skin folk,

Naw, they’ll use this one:

Irony as a pizza topping.

I saw RSD at Harper’s Ferry back in 2010. They were aight.

5th Gear: As this one hits close to home for me (no, I do not currently work at, nor represent, Morgan Stanley), I will be as diplomatic as possible. Adam Jonas is a brilliant man, and very good (but not the best) at what he does.

“How about just renaming it to General Shitboxes Sponsored by JD Powah, there Pauch?”

You’re giving him too little credit. He worked very hard on these!

There’s a part of my brain just SCREAMING that Biden did this intentionally for this exact reason. Just a subtle little peek behind the curtain kind of saying, “yeah, I know many of you aren’t terribly excited, and some of you really don’t particularly like me. But remember competence and sanity? Wouldn’t those be

I’m really starting to think the issue isn’t her lack of loyalty to Biden. It’s her lack of loyalty to the lobbyist who think they can influence Biden but wouldn’t even get in the room with her if she ascended to the presidency.

You have to be past the first wave to have a second wave. 

That’s life

The “eventually” in the comment suggests that maybe this person didn’t?

I think this is just one of those “let’s just let bygones be bygones so we can have one nice thing that makes us feel good this year, goddamnit” things.

“Dearest mother,

For making batches of cocktails it hits the balance between cost effectiveness and “not tasting like a Christmas tree dipped in rubbing alcohol.” But I’m kind of a Philistine about gin.

I’m pretty sure she knew what she was getting into. She just figured the cheeseburgers would have done him in by now.

Stop trying to hide, Britta. We know it’s you.

Did you learn that at Greendale?

This has already literally happened. Breonna Taylor’s partner Kenneth Walker shot one of the plainclothes cops storming their home in the middle of the night. He was charged with attempted murder, the charges have since been dropped.