The Goggles, They Got Their Star Back!

Of course. It's always Florida. Every funny post I ever see on Giz is from Florida.

It's around $3.60 for premium here in MD. Regular is around $3.35.

I think the term you're looking for is "scourge". You should have put a comma after gain as well. "Hyperbole much" is a fragment. Better luck with English next time!

Not right through it, but you're right, he's definitely casting a shadow while behind it. Clear fake. Thanks for the gif!

I concur with your predictions. I also add one: anyone who claims that Diaz actually believed it is probably going to get banhammered.

Took me a minute to get it! Clever joke.

Pew pew pew!

Quickly, my children. Flood the post with spam and disbelief.

I can tell by the pixels and having seen a few 'shops in my day.

Ha. You think American-made products are the best in the world. You're adorable.

You wouldn't really need a special detector except to pinpoint it. Just sit there with a GPS and when you lose satellite link, off you go.

I hate you for that, but I wonder what the clamp would clamp onto for the ladies... I guess a labium?

Congrats on the star. I lol'd.

Calling someone an idiot while being an idiot is called hypocrisy. Do a better job next time.

I believe that the actual phrase is "j'accuse". #corrections

Haha yes, I'm in Maryland. Western MD typically isn't my deal but it's way away from home. :)

"Why? For Science!"

If I could re-heart you I would. You'll have to settle for a promotion.

New challenge: find a porn site that has an ad that links to a non-porn site. GO!

YOU'RE a "fucking idiot" for using improper English.