The Goggles, They Got Their Star Back!

Well, to me any pistol holding more than ten rounds is pretty high capacity unless you're fighting off more than three people, in which case who did you piss off?

Glock 23 holds 13 rounds. 12 + 1 in the chamber = fully loaded Glock 23.

I admit, it would be pretty cool to see if they could play something like Tears Don't Fall, Bat Country, or basically anything by Chaotrope.

Metro apps don't go in the desktop. What are you talking about?

Hold up, the glass itself was almost 6 inches thick? Glass that thick doesn't just break.

Can we focus on the eyes and not the ethnicity? Why is my slight amount of lack of knowledge of Asian women more disturbing than glowing red murder eyes?

I don't see any LG logos...

Oh really? Sega Genesis connectors with their flat pins got bent, then were fixed by 5-year-old me blowing the dust out?

I definitely miss blowing the dust out of my old video game cartridges. Luckily, sometimes I slap my copy of Pokemon Blue into my Game Boy Advance I get it to hang and have to take it out and reclaim a piece of my childhood... excuse me, I think I have something in my eye.

I love getting the opportunity to use this clip. It doesn't come up often enough.

Thanks for that. I managed to forget that tidbit of information haha. Although I will freely admit I definitely don't know any others.

Fungus infection? I've never heard of any fungal infections of the vagina.

I was a bit worried I was being overly complex but I'm glad you understood. I use two-step authentication whenever I can because this sort of problem does exist.

I am damn near certain I've seen this on Giz before.

Congratulations! You've succeeded in wasting both your time and mine.

Has anyone ever been so far as to even look more like?

In restraints? Are you joking? Anybody can see that's a stretcher. He doesn't have a spinal injury though, or else his head would be immobilized.

Perhaps. My question to you is, how would they know? Are they in physical possession of the machine? In that case it'd probably be pretty easy to crack it. Over the LAN? Possible, but why, when you're so close to the actual machine?