The Goggles, They Got Their Star Back!

Hahahahaha hearted!

I think it would be interesting to see a MacBook in a brick print.

You sir are my new favorite commenter.

Conflagration would be widespread, and although I'm not sure how clean the B-53 bomb is, I'd say radioactive fallout would be very widespread as well.

Actually 9 megatons is the second lowest WEAPONIZED U.S. thermonuclear yield. The only higher yield that we had was the Mk-41 (25 Mt) and those were discontinued long ago.

They did, but the yield from those bombs (compared to a B-53) was exceedingly low. Fat Man had only a roughly 21 kiloton yield (equivalent to 21,000 tons of TNT). Also, the damage was probably very high thanks to Japan's overcrowding and tightly packed-in cities.

Ask Siri what they use.

I'm still restoring my apps, for some reason the install didn't go right and I got error 9. Now I have to deal with the annoying "hey, we're still restoring your iPod" switching back to iTunes that interrupted me twice throughout the typing of this comment. Ugh.

Did anyone notice a highly annoying noise in the video supplied by WGN? Granted, the fire looked like a hell of an inferno, but after the video I was left wondering what on earth that noise was.

I'm not a Mac fan, never have been (and probably never will be, for those of you who are undoubtedly going to attempt to convert me). But as a computer science major I deeply appreciate what Jobs has done for computers, mobile or otherwise. The man did something you can't do with the fastest processor or the most RAM:

@mkim4x: Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't beta radiation simply the ejection of helium nuclei? I'd think alpha or gamma radiation would be far more energetic and dangerous.

@ender89: If they use the honor system, why exactly was the TSA waiting for them when they got off the train?

@Zelda did it!: I'm pretty sure that's a nail in the snake's head.

"I define terrorist as..."

@ki_881: You sir win the prize.

@markpb: I'd imagine this would be more for home defense as opposed to a concealed carry weapon, and if I was shooting at a home invader I'd want to minimize damage to my own house, particularly if I miss and the little bastard gets away, because then I'm left with a good section of wall or floor missing.

@superflanker00su: He's such a nice old man. He's so out of place promoting a handheld shotgun to keep loaded in your car. Which, correct me if I'm wrong, is totally illegal.