The Goggles, They Got Their Star Back!

@tw@t: I realize the whole gun is heavy but it looks like the grip isn't "wrapping" any additional steel (if that makes sense), almost like it's just screwed on. In that case the entire front of the gun is just going to drop down. Instead of plastering the torso with shot you'll be kissing his kids goodbye and just

@FermentedDischarge: Fantastic edit and I really do like the look with the shell off. However that car would look so much better if there was a way to make that nasty little circle go away...

@xTRICKYxx: Agreed with the unnecessary horsepower. But 261? Really? That's a big number, man.

@juansmith: Oh dear god, the Nissan Cube...

@LTA: Right, because anything below 100HP automatically sucks. I personally don't see why so many cars have such high horsepower ratings. Why do you need 350HP to go to 7-11 and get a Slurpee?

@Incoherent: "On electric power alone, it can cover 22 miles."

@wjbean: True, but I'd imagine that twig is probably far more biodegradable than your average toothbrush.

Three-quarters of this gun looks like plastic, and the grip looks straight up uncomfortable. Not to mention this gun is probably ridiculously barrel-heavy so you're not going to get much good aim out of it.

@lucasway89: Outdated? I still use Windows XP because I can't afford to upgrade my video card to support Windows 7 (tried it, blue-screened on every shutdown).

@Alex Accarino: Actually I'm pretty sure Four Loko originally had caffeine in it. Caffeine + alcohol = cardiac arrhythmia = inefficient blood flow = passing out = death.

@Faxmonkey: "The 6,000 mosquitoes in question are all males, scientifically engineered to live shorter and, most importantly, be infertile." Indeed the article does say it.

@YeahVille! Your move, Zynga.: Kind of makes sense, iPhones are already close to the federal limit of radiation. Multiply that by 44...

@ImSpartacus: I just wonder where she was going and what she was planning to do with them. Seriously, what do you do with 44 iPhones?

@Fredy04: Since GPS is itself an acronym, shouldn't that be DAGPSR?

@Boss Mojoman: I think statistics of potato are made up on the 80%.

@StupidSimple: "But then again, perhaps people shouldn't be driving planes through St. Petersburg at all."