
the only people i’ve seen be particularly effective in my lifetime as a politically aware person have been on the right. they’ve moved the overton window drastically with their combination of “government is the problem” and “it was not meant to be a factual statement.” they deliberately sabotage the government when

yeah, maybe i won’t be able to make people care more about policy than fluff, but it’s certain that shrugging and going along with a woeful status quo means that status quo will stay in place.

i’m fine being on a quixotic mission to try and convince everyone that policies are what they *should* be caring about and voting on. you can join in on that mission instead of being cynical and feeding the “branding matters” monster. it feels really good to know you’re doing something right - way better than being

personally, i’d rather try to wake up the county instead of accepting its flaws.

give me a break. last week some other dude was insisting that baracka was tomatoface.

ugh. that is such a depressing perspective. it really shows what’s wrong with our political system and process. the idea that a politician’s “brand” should consist of anything other than their policy ideas is demented.

the entire concept that a politician should lead with “building a persona” demonstrates how bankrupt and pathetic our political process is.

saying “their politics don’t line up” because they are left-of-center to different degrees is nuts, and suggesting that it makes their relationship “bizarre” is just silly. there are people who marry members of the opposing party.

“Incarcerated != put in literal cages”

“It’s probably a tad early in the cycle to expect too many ideas by any of the candidates”

“More the fact that ‘progressive’ and ‘leftist’ don’t overlap”

pointing out that this guy has no coherent policy ideas makes you like a russian troll farm? why?

the whole time through that mariah song all i could hear was kim and cease.

“I would love the song if it included images from her upcoming role in Detective Pikachu and not, like, glamour shots of Ora in a jazz club, but I digress.”

“I assure you I had a lot of folks who were friends and allies warmly put their arm around my shoulder and tell me what a crazy idea it was to run for Public Advocate, what a crazy idea it was to run for mayor,”

“if he did it, he deserves to be punished, even if his conviction was a sham.”

that the judges can admit his trial was deficient (assuming that’s what they meant) but rule that is not sufficient to require a new trial shows how completely bankrupt and unjust our “justice” system is.

this is such a shit idea. (a) you’re making it so that when the dems lose power the g.o.p. will just pack the court more.

yes. he very obviously could. he could be pro-forced-birth, insist climate change is a hoax, agitate for war with iran, want to do away with the epa and the department of education, want to cut social security/medicare/medicaid, etc. or he coudl have said all these things yesterday instead of in 1993.

cool, good linking out.