
NYC has eaten you.

the internet is an echo chamber. back to your bubble, you. 

I had a friend blow one up, so maybe not.

external wastegate is dumping to exhaust runner.

The new miata is a whole 1000lbs lighter and the heaviest boxster is still under 3000lbs.

Hell, a base camaro is 50lbs lighter at 3350lbs. 

Olive garden is the poster child for ‘premium mediocre’

it’s time had come, but your efforts here will be missed. thanks for all the fish.

two were listed as within 60 seconds, which at 150 mph is about 2.5 miles.

its only money if you sell it.

My old FC has some drive-line lash when commuting that goes away completely when i’m flogging it on 7's day with a bunch of other 80's cars. I have an engineering reason, but Ive decided based on your notes that the car is just happier running hard.

Traffic: the final frontier. These are the voyages of the Mclaren Senna. Its seven-figure mission: to explore strange new b-roads. To seek out new tires and higher acclerations. To chromoly go where no hypercar has gone before!

they don’t even have working brake lights. destined to fail. 

I had the same weird feelings about eht RX-8 recently. It’s not as crazy looking in the current landscape of juke maws and predator grilles. 

Of course price can also be part of that. At 60K the price keeps me aestetically discerning, but when you can pick up a Z for 6K.... well that actually looks pretty darned nice.

going to add in some pig trail (NWA’s dragon) to the mix is too close to ignore.

I’ll just leave this here. Its in Northwest Arkansas Rotary car meet if anyone is interested in coming. if you need more info.

If you happen to be in Arkansas instead of California, we’re doing 7's day July 7th and welcome your period correct underdogs.

4300 lbs is half a ton more than a camry but sort of on par with a 5 series. is it really that big of a car?

i call bullshit.