
Those guys arent looking hard enough at your son’s hands or your vehicle history. This car is 46K OBO.


Over-under he had him snuffed by russia?

level 4: Why live anymore, just go ahead and asphyxiate yourself already.

I had started a hunt for something more sprightly and economical than my sturdy old A6 Avant sometime last spring. I have a three year old so I had homed in on finding a used 08-11 Lancer Ralliart Sportback SST, or Saab AeroX (or any of the latter year 9-3 variants with the XWD and the turbo4). These are especially

Has car, loves road trips.

Lamborghini is better than Raisin Bran...Raisin Bran only has two scoops.

making me gling glo this am

I wish Jalop would hire in Northwest Arkansas.

asking for trouble?

with turbo cars you get heat soak so it’s probably more about delivering 490hp in anger ALL DAY, instead of once or twice and then needing a cooldown period to get power back so it’s probably about consistency as much as safety. ZERO chance of predetonation makes this more than just safe, it’s almost bulletproof,


i see a lot of civics, but think they’re too bubbly shaped.

89-90 corolla lights on ebay...

third brake light is in window, not on spoiler as well. could be model year changes?

I’m with you, factory blacked out b pillar, trunk is doing early version of bmw bangle butte. 

“Fuck anyone who commits any form of sexual assault.”

also skinny.

that IS the reward