
To put it blunty, I didn't find this article very good.

Let me preface this by saying that yes, I'm Canadian, and no I don't know anything about law, but isn't it a bit weird to have a trial and jury based in a state where the defendant is based out of against an out of country company?

These types of devices really need to come with shutters for the lenses. I really don't want to have to turn these things around every time I need to do ...stuff.

Edit: Looks like you editted the tone of the initial posting. Good of you guys to catch it sooner than later :) I'll keep my original post here in case you want to read it though.

@Leaf Runner: Um, Valve has a slightly better track record than Blizzard for sure but it feels like you just like getting your hate-on.

My sentiments exactly. It's not the PR move I'd expect out of Valve. And for all those cribbing about how Blizzard wants money blah blah blah...if you actually read the quote he says they are "taking it away from the Blizzard and Warcraft III community." Community being the keyword. The people who stopped reading

@IcoSotc: And Arkham Asylum should have been canned to save us from yet another shitty mainstream superhero based video game?

@IcoSotc: No, it's not safe to say that. Why does it influence you if someone does or does not make a game for someone other than yourself?

If Valve is the classy studio I always thought them to be, I still think they'll end up using a different IP other than DotA. It just irks me that they'd go ahead and use the name when they know it already bugs alot of people (for reasons already mentioned).

Well that was...awkward.

I've definitely already got my money out of SC2 and I'm still 3 missions away from finishing the campaign. The SP has alot of bright points, and the MP has provided alot of gameplay and will most likely continue to in the future (as did SC1).

@pluckylump: IMO they shouldn't release a game with the same name either.

@KaL_YoshiKa: Agreed. Though, it wouldn't surprise me if Valve pulls the trademark in the next day or two.


Your. Mileage. May. Vary. is the term appropriate for all this.

@Andrew Murphy: That's definitely a legitimate beef then. Usually Blizzard keeps a pretty good record of the events that lead to an issue so they have no excuse if they don't tell you what the problem is ASAP.

Blizzard should be free to do whatever they want with the maps that get put on their servers. I don't see anything wrong with that.

You had my heart at "Bill Gates". This guy may have been at the right place at the right time when he got his money, but I really couldn't think of a better person who it could have been.

Unfortunately none of the Audio, Combat Design, or Animation from Dragon Age : Origins seemed that great. And this video does nothing to make me think it'll get any better.

@Antiterra: It definitely feels a good 30-50 bucks over my price point.