
Fable II had a lot of bugs. I was sad.

Man, either people really like making fun of Activision because it's cool or they just need to bully something that can't fight back.

So the Chicken came before the Chicken Egg.

It's funny how a spiffy looking game which doesn't do anything innovative can make people forget about the large amount of bugs that exist in this.

Even if you're a hardcore fanboy of Microsoft or Sony, it's hard not to appreciate how ballsy Nintendo was at that crucial junction.

I can't wait for my very own POKEMANS!

I'm guessing stuntman jobs are kinda dwindling with the whole "CG" thingamabob kids are talking about these days.

@Pookiewood: Not sure about the details leading up to the DS Lite, but I remember when the Wii launched there was quite a bit of detail from Nintendo how they wanted to emulate Apple's approach to the "blue ocean."

@DrZaius: There are games on the iPhone, so why not be concerned about it. Everyday there are more and more high quality ones that come out and that's a very real threat. Not to mention there is only so much portable space to come by on a single human being. (For my pocket, I often choose between putting my iPhone

@Paramour: And there are games of all types on the wii. Your point?

I did enjoy Monopoly City quite a bit when we brought it out with a couple of friends. We didn't even need alcohol to do so!

I guess I shouldn't be surprised with peoples' reaction to this by now. But I don't know how anybody with any business sense can believe a CEO would fire his two highest profit Execs just for a mere 50 million in bonuses. Don't you think there's more to this? Maybe the Execs actually breached contract somehow?

@Xcite79: Dislike is fine by me given their past incidents. But to already conclude that they broke the law is a bit silly.

I'm sad at all the commenters here who immediately jump to a conclusion. If juries around the world were made of people who already had a conclusion before hearing the evidence man I pray for our planet.

@ekm29: God damn it people who jump to whatever conclusion seems the flavour of the month.

Unfortunately when I went to find a copy of Zack and Wiki a couple months ago I couldn't find a single store that stocked it. Not sure why that was but of course when I finally found a copy of it there were just too many good games out for me to warrant a purchase.

@Malloc: I get the feeling you figure companies just refuse to hire people from Mod communities. Alot of people I interact with in the industry got their roots there, hell almost all of them have been a part of one mod community or another. The opportunity is there and always has been and if anything has prevented

@SupaKero: Well last year you could have asked does the world really need another Batman game and even said another Batman game is reeeaaaly unnecessary. As a gamer I generally hope every game that comes out is a great game, and really, I'll judge a game once it's actually in peoples' hands.

@RicoTheSaboteur: Should have at least put some bewbs in the article then.

Why would Metacritic even come out and post something like this other than to fuel a nerdrage war about "my console is better than yours". I mean doesn't Metacritic realize that they are majority opinions and bought-out bias.